expire21 |
Posted - 02/18/2009 : 08:34:39 以前講Men of Wat的時後,我好像有說過Men of War的單機劇情有一關剛好和小林源文的<街道上的怪物>那本很相似,沒想到後來官方放出來的DEMO 就 是 那 關!XD (不過街道上的怪物應該指的是KV-2吧?遊戲裡面是KV-1,將錯就錯吧O.O)
好啦!不管你是不是喜歡或熟悉這款遊戲,反正都是free的, 只要下載就能玩了,來玩看看也沒什麼損失對吧?
偏擬真類的RTT要習慣一下,不過也可以把MOW的單機當掉出來系列玩就是!XD 還有遊戲中最特別的熱鍵就是"End" 任何單位按下去都可以如GTA一樣的直接操作,滿有趣的,可以試試看!:D
另外那關一開始可能有人會死個十幾次,先給個hint "空白鍵"可以讓單位強制臥倒.... :D good luck!
內容: The demo features the entire opening stage of the Russian campaign, whichsees a small unit from the Red Army taking on the might of the Germans. Thisinitial mission helps players to get to grips with the controls beforeculminating in a tightly fought battle between a Russian tank and a convoy ofGerman vehicles.
There's also an opportunity to try out Men of War's "direct control" featureduring the demo. This enables you to manoeuvre units using the directionalkeys, rather than pointing and clicking. You can get behind the controls of atank to smash through obstacles, crush soldiers under your tracks and firearmour-piercing shells at enemy placements.
Men of War takes place across the globe during the height of World War II andfeatures four different armies - Russia, America, Germany and the otherAllies - each with their own unique units, vehicles and missions. From theRussian missions starring two student comrades innocent to the horrors ofwar, players are soon catapulted into massive battles with dozens of unitsunder their command.
最新的單機DEMO,用續傳軟體下載很快,大概200-800kb/sec 共約250mb
網址如下: http://www.incgamers.com/Games/1908/Downloads/Men-of-War-Demo/5
點連結中,有個綠色的[Download]就可以了 遊戲下好後,直接解壓縮到一個資料夾內就馬上能玩囉!
即時戰略遊戲-《Men of War》 1.遊戲介紹: http://0rz.tw/ef4P4 兵種介紹: http://0rz.tw/744OA 3.特殊物品使用簡介 http://0rz.tw/ed4KY 4.(部分)多人連線模式簡介 http://0rz.tw/184Mn