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軍事討論區 / 戰略戰史與國際關係
Hot Topic with New Posts 烏克蘭危機28 
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慎.中野 283 14988 09/20/2024  23:42:05
by: fanity Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 伊斯蘭世界與其反政府動亂 - part 11 
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MCSEG 303 15155 09/20/2024  23:07:27
by: MCSEG Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 美共大戰12 
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yangly3 148 5684 09/20/2024  20:08:23
by: chaoren Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 歐洲政治和外交政策等相關新聞討論 3 
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metalfinally 116 7798 09/19/2024  04:51:43
by: gera Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 大帝之野望--力阻北約東擴-2 
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cwchang2100 384 31197 09/18/2024  23:55:48
by: gera Jump to Last Post
New Posts 日本正在迅速崛起還是迴光返照-5  gera 14 1709 09/15/2024  17:36:14
by: gera Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 美國的隱形戰鬥機數量可能在未來10年內都遠超中國 
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Sablin 83 3726 09/13/2024  10:52:23
by: cph0516 Jump to Last Post
軍事討論區 / 國軍與警察事務
New Posts 國軍的裝甲與砲兵部隊重建討論 20 
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fanity 44 1839 09/21/2024  07:46:56
by: xc091832 Jump to Last Post
New Posts 中華民國海軍未來發展討論區36  dasha 9 1417 09/20/2024  15:47:04
by: yangly3 Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 論海島防衛之陸軍特化海岸防衛能力 
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小毛 255 37227 09/20/2024  13:27:54
by: xc091832 Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 台灣軍事新聞評論專欄研析2024-2 
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fanity 394 27181 09/19/2024  21:36:12
by: MCSEG Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 警方與海巡的裝備2 
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cwchang2100 136 18535 09/19/2024  21:02:16
by: gera Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 台灣國民兵(國土守備)兵制討論4 
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dasha 63 3268 09/18/2024  16:17:34
by: 小毛 Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts ROCAF的最近發展與展望之其七 
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dasha 61 6885 09/18/2024  11:14:48
by: 小毛 Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 國軍的裝甲與砲兵部隊重建討論19 
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dasha 400 23608 09/17/2024  21:23:31
by: fanity Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 國軍無人機討論(2) 
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gera 71 7513 09/17/2024  20:29:38
by: gera Jump to Last Post
New Posts 台灣野戰防空系統評析3  小毛 21 1731 09/17/2024  14:22:24
by: xc091832 Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 漢翔∼自製∼我倆有沒有明天? (2) 
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cwchang2100 232 56475 09/16/2024  10:42:28
by: Dr Evil Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 倡議空騎增編戰搜營 
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小毛 244 55849 09/15/2024  10:07:34
by: 小毛 Jump to Last Post
Topic 中華民國海軍未來發展討論區35 
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fanity 402 50443 09/14/2024  08:48:23
by: dasha Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 護國產業~ 軍工產業或技術大觀園 
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Dr Evil 91 19076 09/14/2024  08:24:33
by: dasha Jump to Last Post
New Posts 中科院將法人化2  dasha 1 696 09/13/2024  16:34:39
by: 小毛 Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 國軍意外事故事件簿2 
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慎.中野 307 43761 09/12/2024  00:17:56
by: gera Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 徵兵制重建討論 
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ChoshuTripneustes 148 24487 09/11/2024  16:00:53
by: yangly3 Jump to Last Post
軍事討論區 / 軍事相關問題發問專區
New Posts cv43珊瑚海號的SCB110A改造  oops 0 76 09/18/2024  21:19:16
by: oops Jump to Last Post
New Posts 機載無後座力砲  puppyoliver 24 982 09/14/2024  07:45:37
by: dasha Jump to Last Post
軍事嗜好區 / 幻想武器
New Posts Light weight mobile anti-tank gun concept (LWMAG))  小毛 8 233 09/21/2024  03:54:57
by: Reinherd Von Hwang提督 Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 短場起降經國號改 
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小毛 95 9269 09/16/2024  10:56:54
by: 小毛 Jump to Last Post
New Posts 國土防衛六輪裝甲卡車系列  小毛 0 33 09/16/2024  10:35:05
by: 小毛 Jump to Last Post
New Posts 國土防衛隊鐵騎系列  小毛 15 784 09/11/2024  13:53:00
by: kingcobra Jump to Last Post
閑聊區 / MDC交誼廳
Hot Topic with New Posts 台灣的社會與生活百態31 
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cwchang2100 235 16877 09/20/2024  16:21:41
by: fanity Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 各種運動賽事討論串2 
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hawkeye 53 2432 09/20/2024  08:29:15
by: 慎.中野 Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 軌道建設之發展討論 
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小毛 239 23453 09/20/2024  07:32:37
by: hawkeye Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 日本的生活與社會百態討論7 
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cwchang2100 315 37032 09/18/2024  20:20:49
by: gera Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 小型槍械技術與構造問題雜談6 
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慎.中野 241 14211 09/18/2024  17:22:19
by: ARTHUR Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 民用汽車機車等交通載具全般討論串6 
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慎.中野 147 6201 09/18/2024  15:33:51
by: 小毛 Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 聊天室_108 
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hawkeye 171 11731 09/17/2024  18:10:07
by: snoopy060507 Jump to Last Post
New Posts 動畫漫畫電影電玩聊天專區38 
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慎.中野 44 2705 09/17/2024  10:48:16
by: pcgamer Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 國家政策討論帖 
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小毛 141 7998 09/14/2024  04:51:58
by: Reinherd Von Hwang提督 Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 中華人民共和國的生活與社會百態49 
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judah1970 351 17762 09/13/2024  18:26:50
by: BlueWhaleMoon Jump to Last Post
New Posts 鋼彈咖啡廳-Gundam Cafe-04  慎.中野 2 207 09/12/2024  08:02:14
by: 小毛 Jump to Last Post
Hot Topic with New Posts 政治話題黑特區 15 
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fanity 67 2565 09/11/2024  09:45:10
by: Harvida Jump to Last Post

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