根據洋人考據顯示1905~06年在買完72門克式小山砲後清庭發議價單給克虜伯說要買36門野砲與36門山砲,而1907年開始測試對方送來的樣砲,總計有L28/ L29/L30/L31等倍俓炮管長度的野炮於漢陽兵工廠內測試四週,後來根據測試結果L29倍的野炮重量與性能較能兼顧;遂開始了採購之舉,當然漢陽廠也開始在1914仿造M1905野炮,但是重量多了25.5公斤達到967公斤的全炮重。 整個購買的狀況又跟實際上運作不同,根據洋人查的結果: I've just received some information from Herr Herbert Jager on deliveries of 75mm Krupp guns prior to WW1. China - received two types of guns: 7.5cm L/29 (schwer) - 1909: 60; 1912: 72; total 132 7.5cm L/30 - 1904: 36; 1905: 8; 1906: 19; 1911: 5; total 68
以克虜伯名義出口的格魯森57架退炮 我是不知道這些火砲侯的腦袋是否有問題,口徑相同不代表膛線纏度、砲彈外型、彈殼式樣都相同到可以通用??,有此可知克虜伯75野炮已經成為北洋軍的主力,進入民國後一直到直皖分裂前北洋政府也新購日本38野炮替換舊式的的31野炮,57野炮等等,克虜伯家族完全統一北洋各軍。 很妙的是義大利也買下授權生產m1906型與m1912,彈重6.5公斤,正式番號是Cannone DA 75/27 MOD.906 /Cannone DA 75/27 MOD.912,一戰結束後自己留下Cannone DA 75/27 MOD.912後大批Cannone DA 75/27 MOD.906賣給中國的眾軍閥們使用,讓人更搞不清楚誰是誰,整個軍閥混戰的代表武器為日系/義系/德系/俄系四大類,而同一軍閥手上往往都是混用,舉張作霖為例手上有日製38野炮、奧國百祿77野炮、打敗曹錕馮玉祥後收繳的義系野砲。
話風一轉說到鬼子,日本wiki寫說1907年才決定生產38式野炮若真的是m1903的構型那炮彈重量也應該是6.35公斤重而非5.5公斤,這點可能要靠日本人自己去釐清,因為改良式38野炮採用90式榴彈不含引信重5.71公斤,94式榴彈6.02公斤,90式尖榴彈6.17公斤,也就是說從1925年開始日本就沒在生產5.5公斤的砲彈,目前無法確認10年式榴彈的重量是否是5.5公斤,所以以往看到日本75榴彈比美國75山砲砲彈輕的文章可能有誤。 而根據美軍1944年的戰時文件Japanese Field Artillery中就說38式野炮是仿造M1905 It gives around 1915 as a starting date for the model 38 improvement programm and says elsewhere: "During World War I the Japanese made major modifications in the construction of the Model 38 (1905) 75-mm gun.
接下來就是38野炮的砲尾閉鎖方式: I've read that Argentina held field gun evaluation trials before they ordered the Krupp gun. I suspect the Argentine Army requested that Krupp should modify the standard 75mm. There is a Krupp patent for an interrupted screw breech dating from about 1905 which looks like this breech. The 75mm Krupp Gebrigskanone M1908 (the one for the Japanese) seems to have used the same breech design. It would be nice to know how many guns Argentina purchased and how long they were in service. I have a recollection that some of the 75mm Krupp guns were reworked as a close support gun in the 40s(?)