T O P I C R E V I E W |
von_Guo |
Posted - 04/29/2007 : 16:59:11
記得片名台譯是 “真、善、美” 初次觀賞時 只記得男主人翁不受納粹海軍的徵召而率家人逃入瑞士
多年之後 漸為 “奧地利有藍水海軍嗎?” 所困擾 如果只是多瑙河艇隊 納粹党當年求才的標準也未免過低
後來漸漸由二戰史回溯一戰史 才知道自己的淺陋 原來這兩段是不能分開看的
以下是根據在下讀書俱樂部這月份的推薦簡介所譯 書我還沒看過
另外根據 amazon.com 的一則書評
“……文字簡淺易懂 馮•崔普風趣幽默 冒險性的故事獨豎一格 閱讀之際 也學到一些歷史 ……”
This book is delightful on several accounts: It's easy to read, Georg Von Trapp is quite humorous, the adventurous stories are one-of-a-kind, and you learn a bit of history all at the same time!
最後 書名該怎麼譯 ?
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To the Last Salute
• ISBN-10: 0803246676 • ISBN-13: 978-0803246676
由於那齣家喻戶曉的經典音樂劇 "仙樂飄飄處處聞(The Sound of Music)"裡,大家都很熟悉馮•崔普(von Trapp)的家庭以及瑪麗亞(Maria), 他們的駐府女家教與爾後的繼母。 我們或許隱約記得片中的父親擔任著一個次要的角色; 然而, 他是一位著名的奧地利海軍英雄. 這本書是他的回憶錄.
第一次世界大戰期間,奧匈帝國曾擁有海岸線和一支海軍。 1915年,喬治•馮•崔普(Georg von Trapp)指揮奧匈海軍七艘老舊潛艇的其中一艘。 諸潛艇都屬狹小、不舒適,船況差的艦種。 當馮•崔普和一名德國U艇艇長互訪後,崔普眼見對方艇式的新穎與寬敞而倍感衝擊,在他看來,其猶如一個 "豪華遊輪“。 反過來,德國艇長檢視了U-5,告訴它的艇長說,他不會搭乘這樣一個"板條箱”出海。 不過,搭載了訓練有素的乘組員和一位懂得鼓舞士氣的聰明艇長,U-5贏得在戰爭期間奧匈海軍最輝煌的戰果之一。 在第一次的夜間攻擊行動裡,有別其他友艇的表現,U-5擊沈一艘意大利巡洋艦而使馮•崔普成為國家英雄。 後來,他和屬下擊沉了一艘意大利潛艇和俘獲一艘貨輪,但在跟蹤另外一艘巡洋艦時,除5名船員外,所有其他人員因通風惡劣,被汽油煙霧悶倒而橫遭頓挫。
最後,海軍當局撥交給他一艘俘獲的法國潛艇, 馮•崔普對能有較舒適的起居和工作空間感到滿意,但又須擔心不牢靠的引擎和魚雷上的導引系統(the guidance systems on the torpedoes)。 儘管存在這些問題,U-14,在他的指揮下,共沉敵船七艘,包括彈藥運輸艦和專門設計用來對付潛艇的Q艇。
隨著戰爭結束,投降的條款迫使奧地利放棄自己的海岸線與它的海軍。 因此艇長馮•崔普的軍人生涯到此劃下句點。 在本書序中,他的孫女敘述她家人戰後的生活。 在十多年裡,直到某銀行的倒閉幾乎吞沒他的財富之前,他過著小康紳士的日子。 在1930年代初期,他撰寫和發表了他的戰爭回憶錄.
與此同時,他兒女們的音樂天賦──在他和他第二任妻子的激勵下──達到專業水準,在歐洲各地巡迴演出展放異彩。 當納粹的威脅與日俱增時,馮•崔普拒絕了德國海軍的任命,帶著家人出亡到美國,而在新僑居地,馮•崔普家族合唱團獲得了更大的聲譽。
在罕有的第一次世界大戰潛艇人員的回憶錄裡,馮•崔普以生動的散文形容他的戰時經驗 --- 緊張的跟蹤和魚雷攻擊敵方船隻;間不容髮地擺脫Q艇佈下的圈套,然後反過來將之擊沉的的驚悚;遭受深水炸彈攻擊時的絕望與痛苦,以及在潛艦的先驅時代,處於一艘擁擠的該類艦隻上整體的不舒適生活。
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To the last Salute
All of us are acquainted with the von Trapp family and Maria, their governess and later step mother, because of the popular musical “The Sound of Music”. We may dimly remember the father who played a distinctly secondary role; yet, he was a celebrated Austrian naval hero. This is his memoir.
During WWI, Austro-Hungary had access to the sea and a navy. In 1915, Georg von Trapp took command of one of the seven old submarines in the Austro-Hungarian navy. They were small uncomfortable, and in poor condition. When von Trapp and a German U-boat captain exchanged visits, the former was overwhelmed by the newer and larger submarine which seemed to him like a “luxury steamer,’ In turn the German looked over the U-5 and told its captain that he wouldn’t go to sea in such a “crate.’ Nevertheless, with a good crew and an inspirational, smart commander, the U-5 gained one of the most spectacular victories the Austro-Hungarian navy won during the war. In the first night attack any of their submarines had made, the U-5 sunk an Italian cruiser and made von Trapp a national hero. Later, he and the crew sank an Italian submarine and captured a freighter but were thwarted in the tracking another cruiser when all but five of the crew were knocked out by gasoline fumes because of the poor ventilation.
Eventually when the navy gave him a captured French submarine, von Trapp was pleased with the much more comfortable living and working quarters but was concerned about the unreliable engine and the guidance systems on the torpedoes. Despite these problems, the U-14, under his command, sank seven vessels, including and ammunition carrier and a Q boat specially designed to sink submarines.
With the end of the war, the terms of its surrender forced Austria to give up its sea coast and its navy thus Captain von Trapp’s career can to an end. In the Preface, his Granddaughter tells the story of the post-war life. For a dozen years until a bank failure virtually wiped out his fortune, he lived the life of a well-to-do gentleman. In the early 1930s, he wrote and published his war memoir.
Meantime, his children’s musical talent, which he and his second wife encouraged, blossomed as they became professionals and toured Europe. As the Nazi threat became increasingly dangerous, von Trapp who had turned down a commission in the German navy took his family to America where the von Trapp Family Chorus won even greater fame.
In the rare memoir of a WWI submariner, von Trapp describes his wartime experiences in vivid prose --- the tension of tracking and torpedoing enemy vessels, the thrill of narrowly escaping the trap set by the Q boat and then sinking it, the desperation of suffering a depth charge attack, and the general discomfort of life on a crowded submarine in the pioneer era of that craft.
1 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Reich |
Posted - 04/30/2007 : 00:32:57 「逝去的歲月-奧匈帝國海軍潛艦英雄自傳」? 我也沒想到這電影背後原來是這樣有趣.....
_________________________________ 2. SS-Panzerdivision "Das Reich", Panzergrenadier Kampfgruppe z.b.V. http://city.udn.com/v1/blog/index.jsp?uid=zbv2004 |