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Posted - 10/09/2024 : 01:21:14
參考資料 https://euro-sd.com/2022/11/news/28160/127-mm-vulcano-passes-acceptance-tests-for-german-navy/ The family uses a sub-calibre projectile design to attain greater ranges than standard-dimension equivalents, with ranges of 70 km attainable by Vulcano 155 and 80 km for the Vulcano 127, and both are offered in unguided Ballistic Extended Range (BER) and Guided Long Range (GLR) natures. Leonardo also offers two seeker-based natures for improved accuracy against moving targets – a Semi-Active Laser (SAL), which allows an accuracy increase to ≥3 m CEP, and an infrared (IR) homing seeker. Among all GLR variants, course correction is performed via steering fins mounted near the base of the ogive. Leonardo has also stated that it is possible to programme the ammunition to follow a 90° final angle of approach on its target, though presumably this is only possible within certain ranges.
這個想定由三個部分組成 1.Brutus 軟後座力設計砲座加上半自動裝填砲塔的卡車砲設計 2.127mm L64砲管 3.Vulcano 127mm IR seeker(GLR)彈藥,射程80公里
透過半自動人力裝填來降低成本(與五寸艦砲相比),最大射速每分鐘六發,達到陸軍也買得起的設計.使用紅外線終端導引的火神彈藥,射程可達80公里. 需要搭配偵搜無人機與超地平線雷達來搜索並識別海上目標,將目標資訊傳給車上的射控後由射控帶砲輔助發射.80公里射程使得卡車砲本身可以遠離海岸十公里以上也能有效運作對付海上目標,紅外線終端導引彈也確保可以有效對付移動目標. 一個岸防砲排四輛砲車四個伍,與一個無人機偵搜班組成,岸防砲連連部有配置一輛雷達車與三輛彈藥車,每個岸防砲連有三個砲排. 部署時以排為單位,無人機操作者可以從雷達車得知海上目標位置,再由無人機做敵我辨識與鑒別目標類型.依照優先程度派發各砲車射令進行打擊.
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