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11059 Posts |
Posted - 12/22/2024 : 20:36:50
** 小毛的新幻想空間逐漸復活中(新增3D圖喔).....** http://lordmrx.pixnet.net/blog 歡迎參觀 |
Edited by - 小毛 on 12/22/2024 20:37:48 |
384 Posts |
Reinherd Von Hwang提督
9619 Posts |
Posted - 12/23/2024 : 11:30:24
就是能不能設計一款轉接頭,讓60mm或是81mm迫擊砲的砲管能夠裝在M2 五零機槍的M3腳架上面。
這樣搭配上板機擊發以及適當的瞄具,應該可以讓迫擊砲輕易地做為平射武器使用。 |
11059 Posts |
11059 Posts |
Posted - 12/23/2024 : 18:10:23
今天有看到一篇最小的私人用噴射機.....一台只要兩百萬美金.....Xd 如果改成發射無人機的無人母機,或許有點意思.....
https://edition.cnn.com/2017/05/19/luxury/personal-jet/index.html I flew the newest personal jet. It costs $2 million, parachute included

https://www.cnet.com/culture/taking-flight-in-the-worlds-first-single-jet-civil-aircraft-the-cirrus-vision-jet/ Taking flight in the world’s first single-jet civil aircraft, the Cirrus Vision Jet
Supplying the get-up-and-go is a Williams International FJ33-5A, which puts out about 1,800 pounds of thrust, more than enough to propel this 3,572-pound (empty) aircraft. At its top cruising speed of 345 mph, the Vision Jet has a range of about 1,150 miles. Dial the throttle back a bit to 276 mph, and that range extends to 1,380.
** 小毛的新幻想空間逐漸復活中(新增3D圖喔).....** http://lordmrx.pixnet.net/blog 歡迎參觀 |
11059 Posts |
Posted - 12/25/2024 : 12:15:58
** 小毛的新幻想空間逐漸復活中(新增3D圖喔).....** http://lordmrx.pixnet.net/blog 歡迎參觀 |
11059 Posts |
Posted - 12/26/2024 : 11:16:09
昨天稍微搜尋一下,裸線光纖20公里裝一綑只要五百美金上下,最大的有到40公里一綑,不過大概都是中國製。 如果要玩光纖導引飛彈或光纖導引自殺無人機,其實光纖成本也就不到台幣一萬元,應該還在可以接受範圍內。 但是光是不怕電戰干擾就是無價.......
** 小毛的新幻想空間逐漸復活中(新增3D圖喔).....** http://lordmrx.pixnet.net/blog 歡迎參觀 |
6855 Posts |
Posted - 12/26/2024 : 11:32:17
光纖強度是個問題 還有尾焰燒壞的可能 加上那些包附物的成本就是另一回事了 |
6855 Posts |
Posted - 12/26/2024 : 11:37:26
或是德佬在二戰的玩法 敲門砲裝超口徑榴彈 我則是57戰防砲裝155硫彈 甚至八吋榴彈
11059 Posts |
Posted - 12/26/2024 : 19:10:31

US Army Awards a 155mm Air Defense Cannon with Hypervelocity Ammunition to BAE Systems by 2028. Since 2022, the RCCTO has been collaborating with the U.S. Air Force and other strategic organizations, such as the Pentagon’s Strategic Capabilities Office and the Air Force Research Laboratory. Together, they are advancing this ambitious project by leveraging related programs, including the Hypervelocity Ground Weapon System (HGWS). The current goal is to finalize a complete prototype MDAC battery by the end of fiscal year 2027. This battery will include eight MDAC cannons, four Multi-Function Precision Radars (MFPR), two Multi-Domain Battle Managers (MDBM), and at least 144 Hypervelocity Projectiles (HVP). These components will be integrated into a larger defense network, including the Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System (IBCS), which is currently being deployed.
The MDAC is designed to protect fixed and semi-fixed positions against a wide range of threats, including drones, cruise missiles, fixed-wing aircraft, and helicopters. It will complement existing air defense systems within a layered strategy. Key technical requirements include a wheeled design, remote firing capabilities, high rates of fire, significant ammunition capacity, and fast resupply, whether manual or automated. The system must also be transportable by C-130 aircraft, enhancing its potential for expeditionary missions.
While BAE Systems' specific design for the MDAC remains confidential, certain possibilities can be inferred. The system could draw inspiration from the Archer, a 155mm self-propelled howitzer developed by Bofors, a BAE Systems subsidiary. The Archer features a 21-round autoloader capable of firing the first round within 23 seconds and repositioning quickly after firing. However, a new platform tailored to the MDAC's transportability and other requirements might also be developed. A chassis based on the widely used FMTV tactical trucks is another feasible option.
Hypervelocity projectiles (HVP) are a central element of this project, offering an innovative and cost-effective response to modern threats. Initially developed for the Navy’s railgun program, these projectiles can reach speeds exceeding 9,000 km/h, destroying targets through kinetic impact. Explosive variants are also planned, with an estimated range of 31 kilometers for 155mm cannons. With a unit cost below $100,000, HVPs are particularly competitive compared to traditional missiles, such as the Stinger ($400,000) or the PAC-3 MSE, which costs several million dollars.
** 小毛的新幻想空間逐漸復活中(新增3D圖喔).....** http://lordmrx.pixnet.net/blog 歡迎參觀 |
11059 Posts |
Posted - 12/26/2024 : 19:18:44
越南的70mm海蛇火箭皮卡.......... 40發,20秒內可以打光,再裝填四到六分鐘,射程5~7公里
https://www.armyrecognition.com/news/army-news/army-news-2024/70mm-rocket-launcher-system-in-vietnam-an-innovation-for-ground-support 70mm Rocket Launcher System in Vietnam an Innovation for Ground Support.

The system features a compact and efficient design. It includes forty launch tubes, each 1000 mm long, capable of firing 70mm rockets with remarkable speed. The system allows single shots, short bursts, or continuous firing, with the ability to launch all 40 rockets within just 20 seconds. The launcher’s total dimensions are 1200 mm by 1200 mm, and it uses a smoothbore barrel to enhance firing precision. The overall weight of the system, when empty, is under 600 kg, ensuring the mobility of the vehicle it is mounted on.
The system’s elevation angle ranges from 0° to 45°, with a maximum elevation rotation speed of 2° per second. It can also pivot 360°, with a rotation speed of up to 10° per second, offering high flexibility to adapt to different environments and targets. From a logistical perspective, the system can be deployed operationally in just 3 minutes, and reloading the 40 rockets takes between 4 to 6 minutes. The minimum crew required includes a commander and a launcher operator, with observation and control managed from a console inside the vehicle cabin.
The rockets used in this system possess notable technical characteristics. They measure between 950 mm and 975 mm in length, weighing approximately 10 kg, with warheads weighing between 4 and 4.5 kg. Equipped with explosive fragmentation warheads, they use proximity or impact fuses, allowing them to achieve a range of 5 to 7 kilometers. These specifications demonstrate the system’s ability to meet military operational needs in varied tactical scenarios.
** 小毛的新幻想空間逐漸復活中(新增3D圖喔).....** http://lordmrx.pixnet.net/blog 歡迎參觀 |
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11059 Posts |
11059 Posts |
Posted - 01/13/2025 : 14:48:46
一時興起跑去查了一下M41戰車華克猛犬的76mm戰車砲,竟然射程有達到21公里....... 因為在202廠兵器室展覽裡有出現過這門砲,當年應該也有國產化過..... 用這門砲改造成76mm防空砲,搭配DART彈藥,不知道有沒有搞頭....笑
** 小毛的新幻想空間逐漸復活中(新增3D圖喔).....** http://lordmrx.pixnet.net/blog 歡迎參觀 |
11059 Posts |
Posted - 01/15/2025 : 11:28:23
https://armyrecognition.com/news/army-news/2025/egypt-to-become-first-k9-howitzer-operator-with-anti-ship-capabilities Egypt to Become First K9 Howitzer Operator with Anti-Ship Capabilities. According to information published by @mason_8718 on January 9, 2025, Egypt is set to become the first country among the 10 operators of the K9 self-propelled howitzer (SPH) family to adopt its artillery for coastal defense with anti-ship capabilities. Hanwha Aerospace, the South Korean defense giant, confirmed that it has delivered 51 K11 fire direction control vehicles and 216 K9A1 SPHs to Egypt under a recent contract. Significantly, the K11 vehicles have been specially modified to enable integration with anti-ship capabilities. By repurposing the K11 fire direction control vehicles for the anti-ship mission, Hanwha Aerospace has tailored its technology to meet Egypt’s specific defense requirements. This advancement aligns with global trends of leveraging existing artillery systems for multi-domain operations.
** 小毛的新幻想空間逐漸復活中(新增3D圖喔).....** http://lordmrx.pixnet.net/blog 歡迎參觀 |
8150 Posts |
Posted - 01/15/2025 : 14:49:53
11059 Posts |
Posted - 01/15/2025 : 16:56:56
https://www.military.africa/2025/01/hanwa-systems-to-supply-k9a1-fire-control-systems-to-egypt/ Hanwa Systems to supply K9A1 fire control systems to Egypt
 The K11 command post armored vehicle is responsible for commanding and controlling the fire of six K9A1 self-propelled howitzers per vehicle. The command and control system applied to the K11 command post armored vehicle is a key tactical control device that transmits fire-related information such as target identification, real-time location, direction, and speed to the firing control system installed in the K9A1 self- propelled howitzer and issues firing orders. It is a system developed in-house using command and control technology accumulated by Hanwha Systems over many years. This is the first time that a command and control system developed by a domestic defense company has been exported overseas. Typically, countries that have imported command post armored vehicles, such as Poland and Norway, have equipped them with products from their domestic companies due to differences in national operational concepts.
The company will supply customized fire direction systems to Egypt, as coastal artillery fire capabilities against hostile ships are crucial due to the country’s geographical proximity to the sea. The K9A1 self-propelled howitzer’s firing control system being exported is a ballistic computation computer that calculates and predicts the future position of a target based on fire-related information received from the K11 command post armored vehicle and aims the howitzer in that direction. This is also the first case of a firing control system being exported to the Middle East.
Hanwha Systems is scheduled to start delivering the initial batch in the first half of next year and will supply K11 command and control systems and K9A1 firing control systems to Egypt by December 2028.
A Hanwha Systems official said, “We are pleased to pave the way for the first export of a command and control system to the Middle East through challenging development,” and added, “We will continue to secure new export items, promote Korean defense technology , and expand our entry into overseas markets.”
Having only aging M109 howitzers in service, Egypt needs a new cannon with improved capabilities and a longer range for both its the land and naval forces. In December 2021, Egypt and South Korea held co-production talks on K2 Black Panther tank and K9 Howitzer. Subsequently, a year later, Egypt inked a deal with South Korea for the joint manufacturing and acquisition of 155 mm K9 self-propelled howitzers, and other support vehicles from Hanwha Defense.
The Egyptian Armed Forces’ spokesperson confirmed the signing on 1 February, and an announcement by South Korea’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration.
“The contract is valued around $1.7 billion for hundreds of the K9 Self-Propelled Howitzer (SPH), K10 Ammunition Resupply Vehicles, and K11 Fire Direction Control Vehicle,” the Hanwa said. “The K11 Fire Direction Control Vehicle is a new vehicle to be developed for the Egyptian military. Using the K9 chassis, the command-post vehicle will be equipped with a range of high-tech sensor and communication equipment in accordance with operational requirements of the Egyptian Army and Navy.”
Most of the artillery and vehicles are scheduled to be locally produced at Factory 200, a state-run defense manufacturing facility just outside the Egyptian capital, while an initial batch is to be delivered by Hanwha Defense.
By July 2022, Egypt tendered plans for producing the South Korean K9 self-propelled howitzer locally. Cairo plans to begin production of the K9 howitzer in 2023, and will eventually involve 67% of components being produced locally. Mohamed Ahmed Morsi, the country’s minister of state for military production told reporters in an interview published on 18 June.
Egypt also hopes to sell the K9s to Arab and African countries, as well as meet the needs of its own military. “We have already started bilateral negotiations with a number of Arab and African countries that want to get the K9 because the cannon is the latest in the world,”
** 小毛的新幻想空間逐漸復活中(新增3D圖喔).....** http://lordmrx.pixnet.net/blog 歡迎參觀 |
11059 Posts |
Posted - 01/20/2025 : 15:38:00
小毛一向認為在軍武方面都能有對策,歡迎大家提出挑戰,寫下您的問題,小毛來提對策.... 小毛重視的是技術上的可行性,這邊很多網友是提出技術上的困難性,至於關於預算或是政黨啥的或是外交層面買不到非技術層面困難,是可以提,不過小毛就不保證能提出有效的對策了。 歡迎發起挑戰.......如果小毛真的不懂會承認,也歡迎提供意見指教.......
** 小毛的新幻想空間逐漸復活中(新增3D圖喔).....** http://lordmrx.pixnet.net/blog 歡迎參觀 |
Edited by - 小毛 on 01/20/2025 15:38:49 |
11059 Posts |
Posted - 01/22/2025 : 10:57:00
最近在思考隱身機當道的年代,飛彈自身的尋標器會不會抓不到敵機? 多重尋標器技術會是未來空對空飛彈的顯學嗎? 1.如果要靠電磁波被動偵測鎖定,敵機使用電磁靜默或是CEC方式A射B打啥的,有可能會抓不到高威脅的目標 2.飛彈直徑有限,飛彈雷達尋標器的電磁頻道可能對於隱身機效果較差 3.同樣是飛彈直徑有限,若要追加紅外線尋標器,有可能破壞空氣動力設計降低有效射程與最大速度。 4.雙波段甚至多波段雷達能否實現?透過更好的AESA與軟體定義雷達技術有沒有可能做出多波段雷達呢?可以避開隱身機效果最好的雷達波段,提高偵測效果與距離。 5.長程紅外線成像導引飛彈會成功嗎?靠著己方多種偵蒐平台CEC方式提高偵測與定位敵方隱身機的能力,透過中途導引讓紅外線成像導引飛彈能長距離打擊目標。可以避開單一載台雷達或光電偵蒐能力有限問題。 歡迎大家補充........ 6.更遠的未來,會不會反而是大型機當道,像是能夠使用遠程的雷射或是電磁波甚至磁軌砲啥的直接遠方擊落敵機與飛彈......甚至空中飛行載具也能裝上近迫防禦系統(包括但不限於反飛彈飛彈,散彈,快砲,雷射,微波,磁軌砲等等)
** 小毛的新幻想空間逐漸復活中(新增3D圖喔).....** http://lordmrx.pixnet.net/blog 歡迎參觀 |
5829 Posts |
Posted - 01/22/2025 : 11:31:30
電磁砲 因為有砲彈.在大氣中有高速.高熱等相關問題
高功率雷射砲 也是一樣 除非你雷射砲.架在地球軌道上 |
11059 Posts |
Posted - 01/30/2025 : 18:57:53
過年除夕打開電視,電視台播的是啥?看到鐵獅玉玲瓏那些人出現就馬上想關電視了.繞了一圈沒啥想看的節目,只好開水管看看有啥直播?文化總會做的WE ARE以台灣水準來看已經是除夕夜水準最高的節目了.... 至於其他的春晚直播,有看到費玉清蕭薔孟庭葦等等,不過我是快轉看完的...沒唱歌的部分一律快轉....
** 小毛的新幻想空間逐漸復活中(新增3D圖喔).....** http://lordmrx.pixnet.net/blog 歡迎參觀 |
11059 Posts |
Posted - 01/30/2025 : 19:12:42
輕巡兩艘船殼中信造船用90億得標兩艘,假設船殼約佔全艦總成本40%,那一艘三千噸輕巡含彈藥與各種系統總經費也大概要110億台幣吧,以台灣造船能量,分成兩家來建可能可以拼看看一年六艘下水.不過這得是前兩艘原型艦通過鑑測與驗收修改完成才能拼產量.至於一年六百多億很多嗎?連續編八年就能弄出48艘輕巡來應對各種灰色作戰和填補台灣四週空防偵測弱點,以及反艦飛彈與防空飛彈之機動載台.... 第一批次 12艘 問題修正版,一半防空款,一半反潛款 第二批次 12艘 看加拿大戰系能不能支援SM2/SM6甚至是海弓三等射控,這一批應該考慮艦舯加一段垂發,排水量再多個幾百噸.同樣是防空款與反潛款各半 第三批次 12艘 看有沒有新款雷達與戰系可以裝,完整反潛能力成標配,全部是完整版,估計接近4000噸 第四批次 12艘 看有沒有新款飛彈可以裝,像是取代方陣的點防禦飛彈,射程延伸的海劍二啥的,全部是完整版,估計已經突破4000噸
** 小毛的新幻想空間逐漸復活中(新增3D圖喔).....** http://lordmrx.pixnet.net/blog 歡迎參觀 |
Edited by - 小毛 on 01/30/2025 19:29:24 |
11059 Posts |
Posted - 02/11/2025 : 02:06:28
最近在思考98mm迫砲對台灣國防有沒有用?有八公里等級射程,彈藥大小和81迫砲接近,威力卻接近120迫砲,可說是在後勤射程威力方面都取得最佳平衡... 重點是目前還沒看到98mm迫砲有什麼後膛裝填設計,以這口徑設計放大版的紅隼彈藥給98mm砲管直射的話,基本上也能對重戰車的側面造成威脅了吧,如果是雷射導引彈藥也有接近頂攻反坦克彈藥的效果...
考慮可以這樣做 機步連連部迫砲車. 後膛裝填98mm迫砲車x3 聯兵營兵器連迫砲排 後膛人力裝填雙管120迫砲車x6 機步連甚至可以考慮拿掉105豹,直接使用後膛裝填98/120迫砲直射來作為步兵砲,拆房破工事偶爾打甲車...至於重戰車目標還是要交給光纖導引反甲彈藥或無人機進行遠距離先制打擊....不要跟重戰車貼臉玩對射....
** 小毛的新幻想空間逐漸復活中(新增3D圖喔).....** http://lordmrx.pixnet.net/blog 歡迎參觀 |
Edited by - 小毛 on 02/11/2025 02:16:13 |
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11059 Posts |
Posted - 02/21/2025 : 17:54:33
Quciksink + power JDAM套件 + Rapid Dragon發射器 + C-130J MPA 1.首先是發射平台,具備Rapid Dragon 發射能力的C-130J或是比較合適的平台,C-130J可能也是和改裝成海洋巡邏機,提供遠距離水面目標資訊。 2.Quicksink + power JDAM套件,盪有效射程從十幾公里提高到破百公里以後,不管是提高載台生存姓與突襲效果等等都有正面意義。 3.Rapid Dragon技術適合打擊船團,但是要降低彈藥成本顯然Quicksink彈藥會比JASSM便宜多了.....
** 小毛的新幻想空間逐漸復活中(新增3D圖喔).....** http://lordmrx.pixnet.net/blog 歡迎參觀 |
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