§@ªÌ |
¼ÐÃD |
10829 Posts |
Posted - 07/17/2018 : 16:36:45
** ¤p¤òªº·s¤Û·QªÅ¶¡³vº¥´_¬¡¤¤(·s¼W3D¹Ï³á).....** http://lordmrx.pixnet.net/blog Åwªï°ÑÆ[ |
190 Posts |
Posted - 07/17/2018 : 17:03:55
¬Ý¤@¤U¥Ø«e cpu ¤Î GFx ªº²G§N¨t²Î, ·|¤ñ¸û²M·¡, ÁöµM¤£¬O¦P¤@ÓªF¦è, ¨S¦³²G§N, °ªÀW GFx or cpu, Ãø·o
旣µM§A¸Û¤ß¸Û·Nªºµo°Ý §ÚÌ´N¤jµo·O´d§i¶D§A |
1178 Posts |
190 Posts |
Posted - 07/17/2018 : 18:15:39
®ð§N¦n³B, «K©y, Åé¿n¤p, ¯ÊÂI, fan°ª¥i¾a«×¤]¬Oªñ´Á¤~¯à§@, ¥t¥~, §j¥X¨Ó¼öªÅ®ð¦V¨º§j? GFx ¥Îªº´N¬O»ÉºÞ²G§N, ¯ÊÂI, ´N¶Q, ¾÷ºc, ÁÙ¦³¤@ºØ¥Î LV300 ¨ººØ·Å±±ÀY, ¦n¥Î, ¥i¥H·Å±±, ¥i§C·Å. ¤]¤£¶Q, ¦ý¤£ª±¥i¾a«×, ¾÷ºc¤]¤£¦n§Ë, ¥H«e¬Ý Cray ¶Ç°O, ´²¼ö¬O¾÷±ñ¤uµ{¤Hûªº¬¡
旣µM§A¸Û¤ß¸Û·Nªºµo°Ý §ÚÌ´N¤jµo·O´d§i¶D§A |
190 Posts |
Posted - 07/17/2018 : 18:24:34
Sorry, ¨Sª`·N¨ì¤W±, ¼ö¾ÉºÞ¤w¸g¤j´T°»ù, ¾÷ºc¦a¤£¤Ó¨î, ¦ý·|¦³¨Ç¤ô®ð, ¤ñ¸ûn¸Ñ¨M
旣µM§A¸Û¤ß¸Û·Nªºµo°Ý §ÚÌ´N¤jµo·O´d§i¶D§A |
Captain Picard
9673 Posts |
Posted - 07/18/2018 : 07:36:55
8¤ë¡A®ü装´NS-ªi¬q¹p达装舰问题组织¤F¤@¦¸专®aÉO¦³关³¡门´£问¡A14©Ò团队¦^µªªº052C舰µªºÃ讨论会¡]ì052B舰将¥ý¦w装«e±©Ò´£¨ìªºI对I过´ç¬Û ±±阵¡^¡C¥Dn针对阵±³q风´²热¡A组¥ó§ó换¤è¦¡¡A将来设备©ñ¸mn¨D¡A电ºÏÝ®e¡A§Ü盐雾©M¨¾»Gµ¥¤@¨t¦C问题¡C ¥Ñ¤_14©Ò¦³¡§远±æ号¡§远¬v测¶q²î180¹p达ªº经验¡A¤S经过¦¿«n³y²îÉDªº实¦a¦Ò¹î¡A°£¤F阵±³q风´²热这个问题¥~¡A§Ú觉±o¨ä¥L问题¸Ñµª±o³£«Ü圆满¡C关¤_阵± ³q风´²热¡A 陈¬x¤¸ªº¸Ñµª¬Oªö¥Î¬Á¼þ钢¤Ñ线¸n§Î¦¨静压风¹D´`环ªº风§N¤è¦¡¡A当时专®a们¤]没´£¥XÉÝ议¡Cì¦]¬O¨ä¥L¤è¦¡¡]¦p²G§N¡^´N舰¸¥¦Ó¨¥§x难§ó¤j¡C¦ý§Ú总觉±o这¤£¬O²z ·Qªº¤è®×¡C¥u¬O个权©y¤§µ¦¡C
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对²Ä¤@点¤£满·N¡A§Ú¥u¦³«ü±æ将来舰¸¥ªº动¤O¦³¤F¸Ñ ú¨¤è®×¡A舰¦ÛµM´N会³y°ª³y¤j¡A§C¨¤¾B挡问题¤]¦ÛµM¸Ñú¨¡C对²Ä¤G点¤£满·N¡A§Ú¦^©Ò¦ZÉO陈¬x¤¸©M§õ¦ë¬L¡]¤u艺¥D师¡^³£°Ó¶q过¦n¤L¦¸¡A§Æ±æ¯àªö¥Î§NªO©Î内´`环²G §Nªº§NúÒ¤è®×¡C¦ý³Ì终¦]当时¦³阵±«¶q¡AT/R组¥ó¤p«¬¤Æ¡]轻«¬¤Æ¡^¡A¥H¤Î结ÌÛ¤u艺µ¥¦hÏú¨î¡C¥u¦n¥ý¥Î风§N将´N¤F¡C
MDC Naval Ensign. |
41839 Posts |
Posted - 07/18/2018 : 08:05:31
»{¯uÁ¿³o°ÝÃD¦³¦n´XÓ¼h¯Å: 1.Ó§O´¹¤ù©Î¹s¥ó´²¼ö. 2.T©ÎR¼Ò²Õ´²¼ö. 3.T/R¼Ò²Õ´²¼ö. 4.¤Q´XÓ¨ì¤Ü´XÓT/R¼Ò²Õ¦X¦¨ªº³æ¤@°Ï¶ô´²¼ö. 5.³æ±¤Ñ½u´²¼ö. 6.©Ò¦³¤Ñ½u´²¼ö. 7.¥þ¨t²Î´²¼ö. ¦L¶H¤¤,¾Q¸ô¤ö¨ººØ¤j³Ã¥ëÁÙ¦³´X¦ÊÓT/R¼Ò²Õªº¦h°Ï¶ô´²¼ö......
°êxª©¨ºÃä¦b§nªº,¤@Ó¬OÁ¿1~3¨ºÓ¼h¯Åªº§Þ³N,¥t¤@Ó¬O¦bÁ¿5~7¨ºÓ¼h¯Åªº§Þ³N...... µM«á¦]¬°¨t²Î¥»¨ªº§Þ³N¤£¦P,¦³ªº²£«~1~3¨ä¹ê¬O¦P¤@ÓªF¦è,¦³ªº3~5¬O¦P¤@ÓªF¦è,´X¥G¨S¦³þºØ¹p¹F¬O¥i¥H±qµwÅé¤W©î¦¨1~7³o»ò¦h¼hªº,©Ò¥H§ó®e©ö²V²c. |
Edited by - dasha on 07/18/2018 08:08:08 |
Cayman Islands
17243 Posts |
Posted - 07/18/2018 : 08:12:45
¥i¥H¬Ý¨ì¦Ñ¦@¤]ª¾¹D¸Ñ¨M¤èªk,¥i¬O¨ü©ó§Þ³N¤ô¥,§ä¤FÓ«Ü·î§Îªº¸Ñ¨M¤è®×. CEAFAR¤£´N¬O¥Î§N«oªO¾É¼ö? ¤£¹L¦Ñ¦@ªº§NªO,¥i¯à§÷®Æ¤Ó«,´N¨S¿ìªk¤W. ³o¦b¼Ú¬ü¤éµ¥§÷®Æ¥ý¶i°ê,°ÝÃD´N¨S¨º»ò¤j.
´X¦~«e,§ÚÌÁÙ¸I¨ì¤é¥»¨R¹q¾¹¦b±À¤@ºØ·s§÷®Æ. ´N¨â¤ù¶K¯È,¤@¤ù¶K¦b¼ö·½,¥i¥H±N¼öÂন¬õ¥~½uµo®g¨ì¹ï±, ¹ï±¨º±i¶K¯È±µ¦¬¨ì¬õ¥~½u¤§«á,Åܦ¨¼ö,´N´²±¼. µ¥©ó¬O§âªÅ®ð·í¾É¼öºÞ.¦ý¤£¾aªÅ®ð¥»¨ªº¼ö¶Ç¾É.
¼Ú¬ü¤é³oºØ©Ç§÷®Æ¤£¤Ö,¯à¸Ñ¨M³oºØ´²¼ö°ÝÃDªº¤è®×Á٫ܦh. ¦Ñ¦@´N¥u¯à¥Î¤@¨Ç©Ç¤è®×.µM«áÁÙ¦³¤Hn§j¤û»¡¦³¦h¥ý¶i. ¬Ý¤F´NÅý¤H·wË.
³o¨Ç¯µ±K¸Ü»y¨Ó¦Û¬¡µÛªºC¿q¡A¥Ñ}}¼¯´µ¡EµS¤j¡E¦h°¨°O¿ý¡C ¥L»¡¡G¡u¥ô¦ó¤Hµo²{¤F³o¨Ç¸Üªº·N¸q¡A±N¤£·|À|¨ì¦º¤`ªº´þ¨ý¡C¡v ¦h°¨ºÖµ²Ä1¸` |
2266 Posts |
Posted - 07/18/2018 : 08:23:10
346¬ã¨îªº¦~¥NÖÃ现¦b¦³20¦~¤F¡A¦³®t¶Z«Ü¥¿±`¡C¦Ó¥B还n¦Ò虑¨ì052Cʤ¦ì¤£¤j¡A¤W层«Øµ®¤£¯à¤Ó«¡A346阵±ªº«¶q¤]¬O¨üªº¡C |
Captain Picard
9673 Posts |
Posted - 07/18/2018 : 08:57:59
quote: Originally posted by cwchang2100
¥i¥H¬Ý¨ì¦Ñ¦@¤]ª¾¹D¸Ñ¨M¤èªk,¥i¬O¨ü©ó§Þ³N¤ô¥,§ä¤FÓ«Ü·î§Îªº¸Ñ¨M¤è®×. CEAFAR¤£´N¬O¥Î§N«oªO¾É¼ö? ¤£¹L¦Ñ¦@ªº§NªO,¥i¯à§÷®Æ¤Ó«,´N¨S¿ìªk¤W. ³o¦b¼Ú¬ü¤éµ¥§÷®Æ¥ý¶i°ê,°ÝÃD´N¨S¨º»ò¤j.
¦^¨ì©Ò¦Z¡A §Ú们¥ß§Y´N¹p达进¦æ¤F¤uµ{¤Æ论证¡A¦}®i开¤F¤Ñ线¤p±阵ªº试¬ã¡]孙Z¤Í¦Ñ师«ü导¡A¤ûûÒ§g负责¤Ñ线¬ã¨î¡^¡C¦P时«点¶°¤¤¨ìT/R组¥óªº§ð关¬ð¯}¡C¦]为¡A¯è¤Ñ³¡ 23©Ò¨ì处§ð击14©Ò©Òªö¥Îªº©T态¦³·½阵ªº®Ö¤ß³¡¥ó¬OT/R组¥ó¡A¦ý14©Ò¬O°µ¤£¥X¦X¥G阵±n¨DªºT/R组¥óªº¡C当时¡A¦b»¤s¡A´N¤w经¦³专®a对T/R组¥ó ªº¬ã¨îªí¥Ü¤£«ç¤\©ñ¤ß¡A¦ý14©Ò©M13©Ò³£当场°µ¥X¤F«O证¡A¤~¨Ï¤è®×³q过¡C 现经23©Ò¤@¬D¡A军©e¢¤_压¤O¡A¤U«ü¥Ü说¡An14©Ò¦bµu´Á内¥ý¬ð¯}这¤@关键§Þ术¡A §_则经费¤£¤©¤U拨
µM¦Ó¡A T/R组¥óªº¬ã¨î¦}¤£®e©ö¡C 14©Ò过¥h¥H¡§863¡¨°ª¬ì§Þ课题为°ò础¡A¬ã¨î过L-ªi¬qªºT/R组¥ó¡C ¦ý¬O这¦¸舰载¹p达ªö¥Î¬OS-ªi¬q¡A¥¦¤ñL-ªi¬qªºªi长µu¡C¦]¦¹n¨DT/RªºÊ^积组¥óªºÊ^积§ó¤p¡]¦]为«ö¤Ñ线²z论¡An§Î¦¨ªi§ô¡A¤Ñ线单¤¸间¹jn¨D¦b¥bªi长ªþ ªñ¡^¡F«¶q§ó轻¡F¦U单¤¸¤§间ªº¤zÊð¹jÖïà¤O§óüL¡C
为¤Fú£Ê^积°«¶q¡A §Ú们ªö¥Î¤F4个单¤¸°µ¦b¤@°_ªº4单¤¸T/R组¥ó¤è®×¡C«öªi长n¨D¡A¥²须¦b20cm宽¡A5cm«p, 45cm长ªºÊ^积内¡A¦}±Æ©ñ¤J4个¦U¦Û¯à独¥ß¤u§@ªºT/R组¥ó单¤¸¡C¥Ñ¤_4个单¤¸满¥\²v¤u§@时³Ì¤j¥\²v达¨ìªñ100W¡A´N带来¤F´²热¡A«¶q¡A¬Û¤¬¤§间ªº¦U Ïúª«²z¤zÊðµ¥搅¦b¤F¤@Ê^ªº难题¡C¦P时¤j¥\²v发®g¡A ¤£仅带来¤F发®gºÞ¥i¾a©Ê©M¦Û¿Eªº问题¡A¦P时¦¬发开关©M环¬y¾¹¹jÖë×n¨D¤]¤j¤j´£°ª¡C¦]¦¹¥~¬Éªº责ºÃ¬O¥i²z¸Ñªº¡C¦pªG¤£¯à°µ¥X满¨¬«ü标ªº4单¤¸T/R组 ¥ó¡A14©Òªº©T态¦³·½¬Û±±阵¤è®×´N¬OªÅ话¡C
MDC Naval Ensign. |
190 Posts |
Posted - 07/18/2018 : 09:36:01
²z½×,¼ÒÀÀ,¬O«Ø¥ß¦b¤¸¥ò¯S©ÊÊúµw«ü¼Ð¤W, Ex:process, Library, §÷®Æ,
旣µM§A¸Û¤ß¸Û·Nªºµo°Ý §ÚÌ´N¤jµo·O´d§i¶D§A |
Cayman Islands
17243 Posts |
Posted - 07/18/2018 : 10:31:14
http://www.fujitsu.com/global/about/resources/news/press-releases/2011/0606-02.html Fujitsu Develops World's First GaN HEMT T/R Module Operating in the C-Ku Band
¤é¥»´I¤h³q2011¦~ºµoGaN C-Ku Band 10W T/R. ¤Ø¤o¬°12mm*30mm*3.3mm. (³æ¦ì¬Omm,¤£¬Ocm)
³o¨Ç¯µ±K¸Ü»y¨Ó¦Û¬¡µÛªºC¿q¡A¥Ñ}}¼¯´µ¡EµS¤j¡E¦h°¨°O¿ý¡C ¥L»¡¡G¡u¥ô¦ó¤Hµo²{¤F³o¨Ç¸Üªº·N¸q¡A±N¤£·|À|¨ì¦º¤`ªº´þ¨ý¡C¡v ¦h°¨ºÖµ²Ä1¸` |
1178 Posts |
Posted - 07/18/2018 : 10:39:06
°òªO¬O«ü(Multilayer Alumina Ceramics Substrate)¶Ü?°òªOn¨«½u¸ô¶Ü? ©Î¬OT/R module ©T©w¦b°òªO¤W? |
190 Posts |
Posted - 07/18/2018 : 10:55:31
"°òªO´N¦Ò¼{´²¼ö,¬°¾T/³³²¡§÷½è". ªGµM¬O¤º¦æ!, ¥Ø«e ±`¨£ªº Hw bus spec,¥u: Physical, Link, Transport(TP), Class driver. bus driver, Os layer, ¿j¶ô«p....
旣µM§A¸Û¤ß¸Û·Nªºµo°Ý §ÚÌ´N¤jµo·O´d§i¶D§A |
Cayman Islands
17243 Posts |
Posted - 07/18/2018 : 10:58:17
quote: Originally posted by kmleu
°òªO¬O«ü(Multilayer Alumina Ceramics Substrate)¶Ü?°òªOn¨«½u¸ô¶Ü? ©Î¬OT/R module ©T©w¦b°òªO¤W?
³o¨Ç¯µ±K¸Ü»y¨Ó¦Û¬¡µÛªºC¿q¡A¥Ñ}}¼¯´µ¡EµS¤j¡E¦h°¨°O¿ý¡C ¥L»¡¡G¡u¥ô¦ó¤Hµo²{¤F³o¨Ç¸Üªº·N¸q¡A±N¤£·|À|¨ì¦º¤`ªº´þ¨ý¡C¡v ¦h°¨ºÖµ²Ä1¸` |
16116 Posts |
Posted - 07/18/2018 : 11:11:39
-------------------------------------------------------------- Zhuk AE Design Philosophy - A Radar Engineering Perspective http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-Zhuk-AE-Analysis.html
Phazotron summarise the key design components as: Antenna face with radiator elements. TR channel electronics, each connected to a radiator element. Cold plate liquid cooling system. Array power supply. Control logic for each TR channel. RF feed for the array. Secondary power supplies. Beam control processor to generate beamsteering commands.
Cooling was arranged by mounting each TR module on an integral frame cold plate, the latter being actively cooled by liquid flow. Heat is transferred from each MMIC or transistor into the base of the module, and then into the cold plate for removal. Phazotron have not disclosed the thickness of the cold plates or TR modules, but clearly the horizontal element pitch is the hard constraint here. Each TR module includes an embedded thermal sensor which forces a module shutdown if overheating occurs, and restart cannot occur until the module cools down. All modules are thermally compensated in amplitude and phase to ensure that the performance characteristics remain aligned regardless of temperature and operating frequency.
Active Electronically Steered Arrays A Maturing Technology http://www.ausairpower.net/aesa-intro.html Are there any drawbacks to the AESA? Two issues are of key importance with this technology.
The first item of interest is power dissipation. Due to the behaviour of microwave transistor amplifiers, the power efficiency of a TR module transmitter is typically less than 45%. As a result, an AESA will dissipate a lot of heat which must be extracted to prevent the transmitter chips becoming molten pools of Gallium Arsenide - reliability of GaAs MMIC chips improves the cooler they are run. Traditional air cooling used in most established avionic hardware is ill suited to the high packaging density of an AESA, as a result of which modern AESAs are liquid cooled. US designs employ a polyalphaolefin (PAO) coolant similar to a synthetic hydraulic fluid. A typical liquid cooling system will use pumps to drive the coolant through channels in the antenna, and then route it to a heat exchanger. That might be an air cooled core (radiator style) or an immersed heat exchanger in a fuel tank - with a second liquid cooling loop to dump heat from the fuel tank. In comparison with a conventional air cooled fighter radar, the AESA will be more reliable but will require more electrical power and more cooling, and typically can produce much higher transmit power if needed for greater target detection range performance (increasing transmitted power has the drawback of increasing the footprint over which a hostile ESM or RWR can detect the radar).
Cayman Islands
17243 Posts |
Posted - 07/18/2018 : 11:11:54
http://www.manatech.com.tw/products_A1-1.html#P2_01 ¼sÀs¹ê·~ MANATECH
¶WÁ¡«¬Ka Band T/R¼Ò²Õ.³o¬O¥Á¶¡¥ø·~,¤£¬O¤¤¬ì°|.
³o¨Ç¯µ±K¸Ü»y¨Ó¦Û¬¡µÛªºC¿q¡A¥Ñ}}¼¯´µ¡EµS¤j¡E¦h°¨°O¿ý¡C ¥L»¡¡G¡u¥ô¦ó¤Hµo²{¤F³o¨Ç¸Üªº·N¸q¡A±N¤£·|À|¨ì¦º¤`ªº´þ¨ý¡C¡v ¦h°¨ºÖµ²Ä1¸` |
Cayman Islands
17243 Posts |
Posted - 07/18/2018 : 11:19:57
quote: Originally posted by ¤¾¤þ
-------------------------------------------------------------- Zhuk AE Design Philosophy - A Radar Engineering Perspective http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-Zhuk-AE-Analysis.html
Phazotron summarise the key design components as: Antenna face with radiator elements. TR channel electronics, each connected to a radiator element. Cold plate liquid cooling system. Array power supply. Control logic for each TR channel. RF feed for the array. Secondary power supplies. Beam control processor to generate beamsteering commands.
Cooling was arranged by mounting each TR module on an integral frame cold plate, the latter being actively cooled by liquid flow. Heat is transferred from each MMIC or transistor into the base of the module, and then into the cold plate for removal. Phazotron have not disclosed the thickness of the cold plates or TR modules, but clearly the horizontal element pitch is the hard constraint here. Each TR module includes an embedded thermal sensor which forces a module shutdown if overheating occurs, and restart cannot occur until the module cools down. All modules are thermally compensated in amplitude and phase to ensure that the performance characteristics remain aligned regardless of temperature and operating frequency.
Active Electronically Steered Arrays A Maturing Technology http://www.ausairpower.net/aesa-intro.html Are there any drawbacks to the AESA? Two issues are of key importance with this technology.
The first item of interest is power dissipation. Due to the behaviour of microwave transistor amplifiers, the power efficiency of a TR module transmitter is typically less than 45%. As a result, an AESA will dissipate a lot of heat which must be extracted to prevent the transmitter chips becoming molten pools of Gallium Arsenide - reliability of GaAs MMIC chips improves the cooler they are run. Traditional air cooling used in most established avionic hardware is ill suited to the high packaging density of an AESA, as a result of which modern AESAs are liquid cooled. US designs employ a polyalphaolefin (PAO) coolant similar to a synthetic hydraulic fluid. A typical liquid cooling system will use pumps to drive the coolant through channels in the antenna, and then route it to a heat exchanger. That might be an air cooled core (radiator style) or an immersed heat exchanger in a fuel tank - with a second liquid cooling loop to dump heat from the fuel tank. In comparison with a conventional air cooled fighter radar, the AESA will be more reliable but will require more electrical power and more cooling, and typically can produce much higher transmit power if needed for greater target detection range performance (increasing transmitted power has the drawback of increasing the footprint over which a hostile ESM or RWR can detect the radar).
«X°ê¨Ð¤]¬O¥Î¨î§NªOªº¤è¦¡,T/R°òªO³sµÛ¨î§NªO, µM«á¨î§NªOªº¥t¤@ºÝ¦A¥Î²GÅé§N«o(¥i¯à¬O¤ô), ³o¬Oªì¯Åªº§N«o¨t²Î.
§l¤F¼öªº§N«o²G¦A¥ÎÀ°®ú¥´¨ì²Ä¤G§N«o¨t²Îªº¼ö¥æ´«¾¹. ¦b¨º¸Ì¥Î¿U®Æ¨Ó§N«o.
³o¨Ç¯µ±K¸Ü»y¨Ó¦Û¬¡µÛªºC¿q¡A¥Ñ}}¼¯´µ¡EµS¤j¡E¦h°¨°O¿ý¡C ¥L»¡¡G¡u¥ô¦ó¤Hµo²{¤F³o¨Ç¸Üªº·N¸q¡A±N¤£·|À|¨ì¦º¤`ªº´þ¨ý¡C¡v ¦h°¨ºÖµ²Ä1¸` |
Edited by - cwchang2100 on 07/18/2018 11:21:25 |
190 Posts |
Posted - 07/18/2018 : 11:22:07
²{¤µ°ª³t¦³½u bus, ¦³¢C? ¥Î°ª¾×ªº«Ê¸Ë, °òªO´²¼ö. ex. ³³²¡, IBM, ¨Ê²¡, «Ü¦¦b¥Î...
IEEE ¦n¹³¦³½Í«Ê¸Ë¤Î RADAR ±M¶. ·Q¬Ù¢C? ¥Î Tx/ Rx ¦UºØ¬Ù¹q¼Ò¦¡³]©w, ¦ý¶· trade off ¥\¯à, IEEE¤W«Ü¦h,
旣µM§A¸Û¤ß¸Û·Nªºµo°Ý §ÚÌ´N¤jµo·O´d§i¶D§A |
16116 Posts |
Posted - 07/18/2018 : 11:52:10
US designs employ a polyalphaolefin (PAO) coolant similar to a synthetic hydraulic fluid. A typical liquid cooling system will use pumps to drive the coolant through channels in the antenna, and then route it to a heat exchanger. That might be an air cooled core (radiator style) or an immersed heat exchanger in a fuel tank - with a second liquid cooling loop to dump heat from the fuel tank.
41839 Posts |
Posted - 07/18/2018 : 11:55:35
quote: Originally posted by ¤¾¤þ
US designs employ a polyalphaolefin (PAO) coolant similar to a synthetic hydraulic fluid. A typical liquid cooling system will use pumps to drive the coolant through channels in the antenna, and then route it to a heat exchanger. That might be an air cooled core (radiator style) or an immersed heat exchanger in a fuel tank - with a second liquid cooling loop to dump heat from the fuel tank.
³o¤@¬q¤å¦rÁ¿ªº¬O¤p§Ì»¡ªº4~6,¦Ó¤W±¤@°ï¤HÁ¿ªº¬O¤p§Ì»¡ªº1~3. |
Cayman Islands
17243 Posts |
Posted - 07/18/2018 : 15:39:11
quote: Originally posted by ¤¾¤þ
US designs employ a polyalphaolefin (PAO) coolant similar to a synthetic hydraulic fluid. A typical liquid cooling system will use pumps to drive the coolant through channels in the antenna, and then route it to a heat exchanger. That might be an air cooled core (radiator style) or an immersed heat exchanger in a fuel tank - with a second liquid cooling loop to dump heat from the fuel tank.
³oùتº¦Ñ¬ü¤è®×´N¬O«üF-35°Õ. PAO´N¬OF-35¥Îªº§N«o²G. ¦]¬°³o´X¦~¦Ñ¬ü°ß¤@ªº¾Ô¾÷¶}µo®×´N¬OF-35.
¤£¹L,¤èªk¬O¦³ÂI˹L¨Ó,¤]´N¬O»¡¤Ñ½uµ²ºc¤º¦³¯d¤@¨ÇºÞ¹D(channel), §N«o²G´N¬y¹L³o¨ÇºÞ¹D§â¼ö·j¶°°_¨Ó,¤§«á¦A¸g¹L¼ö¥æ´«¾¹, §Q¥ÎªÅ®ð©Î¬O¿U®Æ±N¼ö±Æ±¼.
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Edited by - cwchang2100 on 07/18/2018 15:46:10 |
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Posted - 11/04/2024 : 13:43:59
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Posted - 11/07/2024 : 04:59:02
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