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13092 Posts |
Posted - 03/28/2019 : 12:46:29
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Edited by - BlueWhaleMoon on 03/28/2019 12:47:10 |
1856 Posts |
Posted - 03/28/2019 : 13:04:27
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41865 Posts |
Posted - 03/28/2019 : 14:50:21
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13092 Posts |
Posted - 03/28/2019 : 16:03:34
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6244 Posts |
Posted - 03/28/2019 : 18:42:43
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2181 Posts |
Posted - 03/28/2019 : 21:15:46
quote: Originally posted by BlueWhaleMoon
quote: Originally posted by voidmagia
¦pªG§A»¡ªº¬O: ³°¾Ô²@µL³Óºâ¡A©Ò¥H§ÚÌÀ³¸ÓºÉ¶q°§C³°¾Ôªº¾÷²v§V¤O¡C§V¤Oªº¤è¦¡¬OABCDµ¥µ¥¡C
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2181 Posts |
Posted - 03/28/2019 : 21:50:07
quote: Originally posted by cwchang2100
quote: Originally posted by voidmagia
§Úªº¦Ñ¤ÑÃZ°Ú¡I§A§â³W®æ©M¹ê»Ú©Ê¯à²V¬°¤@½Í¡C12¬íªº³W©w¬O¦]¬°©MS-TADIL J¬Û®eªºLink 16¨t²Î¬O¨C12¬í¬°´`Àô¤À°ttime slot¡A·íµM¤£¯à©µ¿ð12¬í¡A¦ý¨º¤£µ¥©ó¥¦¤@¯ë±¡ªp¤U·|©µ¿ð12¬í¡C§A´NºâCEC¤@¼Ë¦³Ãþ¦üªº°ÝÃD¡A¦]¬°«H¸¹·|³Q¤zÂZ¡B¨t²Î¥i¯à¬G»Ù¡A½Ð°Ý§An«ç»ò¤£µo¥Í©µ¿ð¡H
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quote: Originally posted by voidmagia
±µ¤U¨Óªººtºâªk¬O¨S¨º»ò½ÆÂøªº,¥Dn´N¬OComposite Tracking, Precision Cueing©MCoordinated, Cooperative Engagements.
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quote: Originally posted by voidmagia
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6244 Posts |
Posted - 03/28/2019 : 21:59:03
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2181 Posts |
Posted - 03/28/2019 : 22:28:11
Á¿¨ì³o¸Ì¡A¤@©w·|¦³¤H¤Ï¹ï¡Gªü©¬«´³oºØ¶Q´Ë´ËªºªZ¾¹«ç»ò¯à·í¨Ò¤l¡H¥xÆW¨S¦³¿ú¶R¨º»ò¦hªü©¬«´¥h¨¾¦u©Ò¦³¦a¤è¡I°ÝÃD¬O¡A½Ö³W©w¤@©wnªü©¬«´¡H¤@¯ëªº³°°ò¾÷°Ê¤p«¬¤ÏÄ¥¸¼u¤£¦æ¶Ü¡H¤£µMª½±µ®³¦aº»¤õ¸¼u¸Ë¨ì¥Ò¨®¤W°t¤WÁ|¤É¹p¹F¤£¦æ¶Ü¡H¥un¤@¤p³¡¤À³¡¶¤§ï½s¬°¦aº»¤õ¸¼uµo®g¨®©Î¥[¸Ëµo®g¯à¤O´N¨¬¥H¹F¨ì§L¤O¸`¬ùªº¥Øªº¡A½Ð°Ý¬°¦ó¤£¥i¡H³o¨Ã¤£¬O¤°»ò¯S§Oªº³Ð¨£¡A²{¦b¤w¸g¬O¥Î§ðÀ»ª½¤É¾÷¹F¨ì³o¼Ëªº¥Ø¼Ð¡A§Oªº°ê®a«h¬O§ó¶i¤@¨B¥Î³°°ò¸¼u¹F¨ì¥Øªº¡A¨Ã¤£¬O¤°»ò¯S§Oªºµo©ú |
5940 Posts |
Posted - 03/29/2019 : 03:09:24
quote: Originally posted by BlueWhaleMoon
¦ý¬O¹ï©¤ªº¹ê¤O¶V¨Ó¶V±j¡A³o¹ï¥xÆWªºÀ£¤O¬OÂù«ªº 1. »Ýn§ó±jªºx¨Æ·Ç³Æ¤~¯à¼µ¡C 2. ¬ü°ê¤H§Æ±æ¯à°÷¼µ¨ì4©P¡A¦nÅý¬ü°ê¤H¯à°÷½Õ¶°°÷¦hªº¯èªÅ¥ÀÄ¥¡C96¦~ªº®ÉÔ¤@¿´¯èªÅ¥ÀÄ¥¬ü°ê¤H´N¦³§â´¤¡A²{¦b®£©È¬ü°ê¤H¥u¦³¤@¿´¯èªÅ¥ÀÄ¥¥¼¥²´±°Ê¤â¡C
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Cayman Islands
17243 Posts |
Posted - 03/29/2019 : 09:10:50
quote: Originally posted by voidmagia
¥ý¥Í¡Aprecision gridlock¤£¬O§A§â³o³æ¦r¼g¥X¨Ó¥¦´N·|¶]¥X¨Óªº¡C¦P¤@®É¶¡°²³]¦³¤QÓ¹p¹F°lÂܦP¤@ӥؼСA¥¦Ì³ø¥X¨Óªº¥Ø¼Ð¦ì¸m·|¦³¤QÓ¦n¶Ü¡H½Ð°Ý§An¥Îþ¤@Ó·í¥Ø¼Ð¦ì¸m¡H²q®±¨M©w¶Ü¡HÁÙ¬O¥§¡¡H
·|¼g¥X³o¬qÄø¸Ü,´N©úÅãÃÒ©ú§A¤£À´CEC. Ô£¬O·P´ú¾¹ªºmeasurements??? Composite Tracking¦³¨S¦³¬Ý¨ì??? ³Â·Ð¥ý¬Ý§¹CECªº¬ÛÃö¤å¥ó¦A¨Ó.
quote: Originally posted by voidmagia
«ô°U! §Úªºð¦ÑÀn?! ³o¨Ç³£¬OCEC§Þ³N¤å¥ó¤¤¼gªº,§ÚÃhºÃ§A®Ú¥»¤£À´¤]¨S¬Ý¹L³o¨Ç¤å¥ó. °ò¥»¾a§A¦Û§Ú·Q¹³.¹ê»Ú¬OÔ£?! ¦ôp§A¤]»¡¤£¥X.
©Ò¿×¹F¨ì¤õ±±¼Ð·Ç,¨t²Î¤º³¡¦Û¦³¤@©wªº³W«h©M¼ÆȼзÇ, §Ṳ́£¥i¯à¦C¥X,¤]¨S¦³¥²n.À´¶Ü? CECªº¤å¥ó³o³¡¤À«½Æ¤FN¹M,¦ôp§A®Ú¥»¨SŪ¹L.
quote: Originally posted by voidmagia
¦Ü©ó§A»¡¡u·N«ä´N¬O§An¦b¨CÓªZ¾¹¨t²Îªº´M¼Ð¾¹ºÝ©M¤õ±±¬q³£n¶ë¨Ò¥~ªº»·ºÝ±±¨î¬yµ{.³o¤Ï¦Ó½ÆÂø¤Æ¤F©Ò¦³ªºªZ¾¹¨t²Î.º¸¥B¤@¨ÇªZ¾¹¨t²Îªº¾ã¦X¤W·|·¥ºÝ§xÃø,¡v§Ú¬O¤£ª¾¹D§A«ç»ò±o¨ì³oÓµ²½×¡CCEC·|¾ã¦X·P´ú¾¹ªº¹B§@¬O¹ïªº¡A¦ý¬O¤@¯ë²îÄ¥§@¾Ô¨t²Î¥»¨Ó´N·|¾ã¦X·P´ú¾¹¹B§@(§A¸Ó¤£·|¤£ª¾¹D³o¥ó¨Æ§a¡H¡^¡ACEC¥u¬O§ó¶i¤@¨Bªº¾ã¦X¤£¦P²î¤W·P´ú¾¹ªº¹B§@¡C¦pªG¥u¬On¶Ç¤õ±±¸ê®Æ©Î¥Ø¼Ð¦ì¸m¡A®Ú¥»¤£»Ýn¨º»ò³Â·Ð¡ALink 16¡A¬Æ¦ÜLink 11´N¦³³o¨Ç¥\¯à¤F¡A¤£«H¦Û¤v¬ÝLink 16ªºmessage table http://www.synthesys.co.uk/brochures_new/Link%2016%20MessageTable.pdf
Datalinkªº¸ê®Æ¤ÓºC,¤¤ºÝ§ó·sÁÙ¥i¥H,²×ºÝ¾É¤Þ´N§¹¥þ¤£¦æ¤F. 12¬í¥u¬Oªí¥Ü¨än¨D¤§§C,¸òCEC®t¤F¦n´XӼƶq¯Å, ³o¦bCEC¤å¥ó¤]¦³»¡®tªº¼Æ¶q¯Å¤Ó¦h.
CEC¤å¥ó¦³´£¤Î©M¾Ô¨t¾ã¦Xªº¤è¦¡,n²z¸Ñªººô¤Í¥i¥H¦h¬Ý¬Ý. §O¥uŪ¨º´X¦æ«Å¶Ç¤å¦r.n²z¸Ñ¨t²Î¤º³¡¬O¦p¦ó¹B§@ªº¤~¦æ.
ÁÙ¦bdata link,¨ººØÀt³tªºª±·N´N§O¦A´£¤F....
³o¨Ç¯µ±K¸Ü»y¨Ó¦Û¬¡µÛªºC¿q¡A¥Ñ}}¼¯´µ¡EµS¤j¡E¦h°¨°O¿ý¡C ¥L»¡¡G¡u¥ô¦ó¤Hµo²{¤F³o¨Ç¸Üªº·N¸q¡A±N¤£·|À|¨ì¦º¤`ªº´þ¨ý¡C¡v ¦h°¨ºÖµ²Ä1¸` |
2181 Posts |
Posted - 03/29/2019 : 13:56:49
¤S¦b½M§è¤@°ï¤¥|¤Tªº¡CCECªº¸ê®Æ¶Ç¿é³t«×«Ü§Ö¡A¦ý¨º¬O¥¦¯à¤Oªº¥²n±ø¥ó¡A«o¤£¬O¥R¤À±ø¥ó¡AÀ´¡H¥¦¯u¥¿«nªº¯à¤O®Ú¥»¤£¦b³o¡C¥ý»¡Composite tracking¡A¥¦«ç»ò¨Óªº¡H¨Ó¬Ý³o¸Ì¡G
CEC can share radar measurement data that are independently processed at each unit into composite tracks with input data appropriately weighted by the measurement accuracy of each sensor input. Thus, if any unit¡¦s onboard radar fails to receive updates for a time, the track does not simply coast (risking loss or de-correlation from the tracks of other units reported over tactical command and control data links), but rather it continues because of data availability from other units. This function is performed for radar and identification Friend or Foe (IFF) system with IFF transponder responses as ¡§measurement¡¨ inputs to the composite track in process. The composite track function is accompanied by automatic CEC track number commonality, even when tracking is being performed simultaneously at each unit. Also provided is the composite identification doctrine, as input from a console of a selected net control unit (NCU), for all CEC units to implement to jointly decide on a target¡¦s classification. [Johns Hopkins, 1995] ¬Ý¨ì¤F¶Ü¡H¦UÓCEC¥Î¤á¬O¦U¦Û¥Î¦P¼Ëªººtºâªk¡u¿W¥ß¡v³B²z·P´ú¾¹¼Æ¾Ú¥H§Î¦¨¥Ø¼Ð¸ê®Æ¡A¨Ã¤£¬Oª½±µ¥æ´«¥Ø¼Ð¸ê®Æ¡C·íµM¡A§A¤@©w·|½M§è¤@°ï¨Ó§_»{¡A¥~¥[»¡§O¤H¨S¬Ý¹L§Þ³N¸ê®Æ¡]ÁöµM§Ú«ÜÃhºÃ§A¨ì©³¬Ý¤FÔ£¡^¡A¨SÃö«Y¡A§ä§ó¦h¸ê®Æµ¹§A¡G
All of these other link-driven systems have a couple of things in common that make them inferior. Chief amongst these deficiencies is that the link systems are sending tracks vice true radar data. This introduces error and ambiguity. How does a system know which track is more accurate? What happens when the system receives multiple tracks that it cannot correlate? And lastly what does the system output when it holds radar data but the link information it is receiving does not match what it sees on its own sensors? The answer is that it either combines multiple tracks into a single track, or it inputs what is known as a dual track. If the system mistakenly combines ¡V or correlates ¡V two tracks into one that are in reality separate contacts, the result is a lost contact and the ship can be vulnerable. If, on the other hand, the system creates a dual track there are now two tracks shown in the system but only one contact. Both of these conditions make the system extremely operator-intensive, because it is the operator that ultimately looks at the tracks and determines which ones are correct and which ones are not and then tries to correct the picture. Link 11 creates 1.5 tracks for every true track reported in the link. Link 16 is better by providing only 1.35 tracks for every true track. (Rivers, 2001) However, we can quickly see how multiple tracks can introduce problems into the system.
¬Ý¨ì¤F¶Ü¡HCECn¸Ñ¨Mªº¨ä¤¤¤@Ó°ÝÃD¬Omultiple track¡C§A¤£¥ÎCEC¨ººØ¥Î¹p¹Fì©l¸ê®Æªº§@ªk¤]¥i¥H°µ¡A¥u¬O·|¦³°ÝÃD¡]«Ü»Ýn¨Ì¿à¤H¤O§PÂ_¡^¡C«ÂI¬O¡GCEC¥Îì©l¸ê®Æ´N¬On¸Ñ¨M³oÓ°ÝÃD¡I¥¦¸Ñ¨M°ÝÃDªº¤è¦¡¤£¬O¥ú¾a³t«×§Ö¦Ó¤w¦n¶Ü¡H This is the primary reason a ship has, until now, been unable to fire on a track it does not hold radar information on. This is the major difference between the standard traditional link system and CEC. CEC does not submit tracks to the network of ships, aircraft and shore stations. Rather, CEC employs ¡§multisensory measurement fusion as opposed to single sensor tracks to allow battle force centric, rather than platform-centric engagement.¡¨ (Rivers, 2001) In other words, CEC sends raw radar data through the link. This radar measurement data is what allows the CEP (Cooperative Engagement Processor) to correlate the data and display a single composite track. The notion of a composite track is what makes CEC powerful.
³o¸ÌÁ¿¨ì¤F¡ACEC¬O¾a·P´ú¾¹¿Ä¦Xªº¸ê®Æ²£¥Í¥Ø¼Ð¼Æ¾Ú¡A©Ò¥Hµ´¹ï¤£¬O§AÁ¿ªº¨º¼Ë¡A³æ¯Â§â¥Ø¼Ð¸ê®Æ¨Ö¦b¤@°_¨Ã½T©w¯à¤£¯à¤õ±±¡C®Ú¥»¤£¬O¨º»ò¤@¦^¨Æ¡I CEC is a closed network system where all participants use the same algorithm and share the exact same air picture. The more participants, the better the picture gets because multiple views allow for better refinement of a track. This is because there are many things that affect the radar picture a ship receives. Weather, sea state, and altitude all affect the resulting radar picture received by a ship¡¦s sensors. Not all tracks are held at the same time, and for the same amount of time, by all platforms. By combining the raw radar data of multiple ships into a single network and creating a composite track out of the pieces that each participant holds, we get a much more refined and complete track as shown in Figure 7.
¦pªG³o¸Ì¼g±o¨º»ò©ú¥Õcomposite track¬O«ç»ò²£¥Íªº¡A§AÁ٬ݤ£À´§Ú¤]¨S¿ìªk Take for example a carrier strike group operating in enemy waters. One of the destroyers detects a sea-skimming cruise missile inbound to the group. However because of the proximity of the missile to the ocean, the radar system only gets a few radar ¡§hits.¡¨8 These few hits do not provide enough information to allow the fire control system to maintain track or create a fire-control solution. The aircraft carrier and one of the cruisers in the group also detect the missile a few seconds later and both have the same issue9. The missile is simply traveling too fast and too low to maintain track. At this point, the likelihood of successful engagement of this missile by the strike group is not high. Now assume the CSG is CEC capable. The bits and pieces that all three ships hold will be combined to create a composite track that all three can use to fire on the incoming target, thus increasing the likelihood of a successful shootdown.
³o¸Ì¦bÁ¿¸ê®Æ¿Ä¦Xªº±¡ªp¤U¡A¤TÓ¯ä¥Ö¦K¥i¥HĹ¹L¤@ӽѸ¯«Gªº¨Ò¤l The next major deficiency of traditional link systems is the requirement for a ship or unit to maintain the link. CEC requires no such link or net control unit. This provides the primary benefit of survivability. A ship can join or leave the CEC network without compromising link integrity. Of course the more ships, aircraft, or other units that are participants in the CEC network, the better the picture will become, because CEC provides a composite track based on the data held by all units. Withdrawing from the link, while potentially reducing the overall accuracy of the picture, does not bring down the network.
³o¸Ì¦bÁ¿¡ACEC³o¼Ëºô¸ô³]pªº¦n³B¤§¤@¬O¤£¥Î¾á¤ß¬YӥΤá¬ðµMÂ_ºô¾ÉP¾ãÓºô¸ô±¾±¼ |
Cayman Islands
17243 Posts |
Posted - 03/29/2019 : 17:09:21
quote: Originally posted by voidmagia
¤S¦b½M§è¤@°ï¤¥|¤Tªº¡CCECªº¸ê®Æ¶Ç¿é³t«×«Ü§Ö¡A¦ý¨º¬O¥¦¯à¤Oªº¥²n±ø¥ó¡A«o¤£¬O¥R¤À±ø¥ó¡AÀ´¡H¥¦¯u¥¿«nªº¯à¤O®Ú¥»¤£¦b³o¡C¥ý»¡Composite tracking¡A¥¦«ç»ò¨Óªº¡H¨Ó¬Ý³o¸Ì¡G
CEC can share radar measurement data that are independently processed at each unit into composite tracks with input data appropriately weighted by the measurement accuracy of each sensor input. Thus, if any unit¡¦s onboard radar fails to receive updates for a time, the track does not simply coast (risking loss or de-correlation from the tracks of other units reported over tactical command and control data links), but rather it continues because of data availability from other units. This function is performed for radar and identification Friend or Foe (IFF) system with IFF transponder responses as ¡§measurement¡¨ inputs to the composite track in process. The composite track function is accompanied by automatic CEC track number commonality, even when tracking is being performed simultaneously at each unit. Also provided is the composite identification doctrine, as input from a console of a selected net control unit (NCU), for all CEC units to implement to jointly decide on a target¡¦s classification. [Johns Hopkins, 1995] ¬Ý¨ì¤F¶Ü¡H¦UÓCEC¥Î¤á¬O¦U¦Û¥Î¦P¼Ëªººtºâªk¡u¿W¥ß¡v³B²z·P´ú¾¹¼Æ¾Ú¥H§Î¦¨¥Ø¼Ð¸ê®Æ¡A¨Ã¤£¬Oª½±µ¥æ´«¥Ø¼Ð¸ê®Æ¡C
ì¤å¬O»¡±N¦U·P´ú¾¹¿W¥ß³B²z¹Lªº´ú¶q¸ê®Æºî¦X¦¨composite tracks, «á±¦³¸ÑÄÀ¤èªk,¬O¥Î²Îp¤è¦¡±N¦UÓ·P´ú¾¹¼¤WÅv«¤§«áªº²Îp. ¦¹Åv«¬O®Ú¾Ú·P´ú¾¹ªºÆF±Ó«×.
þ¨Ó°§èªº¦P¼Ëºtºâªk??? («á±ªº¦P¼Ëºtºâªk¬O«üCEC,¤£¬O·P´ú³æ¤¸!)
§ó¦óªp¨ì¦¹³£ÁÙ¨S¦³§Î¦¨¥Ø¼Ð! þ¨Óªº¥Ø¼Ð¸ê®Æ??? ¥u¦³measurement!!! OK?! ¦Ü¤Ö¤]n¹L¤FCorrelationªº¶¥¬q¤~·|§Î¦¨¥Ø¼Ð. §A³s¹p¹F«H¸¹(or¾Ô¨t)³B²z¬yµ{³£¤£²M·¡,ÁÙ¦b³o¸ÌJ»¡¤K¹D???
quote: Originally posted by voidmagia
All of these other link-driven systems have a couple of things in common that make them inferior. Chief amongst these deficiencies is that the link systems are sending tracks vice true radar data. This introduces error and ambiguity. How does a system know which track is more accurate? What happens when the system receives multiple tracks that it cannot correlate? And lastly what does the system output when it holds radar data but the link information it is receiving does not match what it sees on its own sensors? The answer is that it either combines multiple tracks into a single track, or it inputs what is known as a dual track. If the system mistakenly combines ¡V or correlates ¡V two tracks into one that are in reality separate contacts, the result is a lost contact and the ship can be vulnerable. If, on the other hand, the system creates a dual track there are now two tracks shown in the system but only one contact. Both of these conditions make the system extremely operator-intensive, because it is the operator that ultimately looks at the tracks and determines which ones are correct and which ones are not and then tries to correct the picture. Link 11 creates 1.5 tracks for every true track reported in the link. Link 16 is better by providing only 1.35 tracks for every true track. (Rivers, 2001) However, we can quickly see how multiple tracks can introduce problems into the system.
³oùا¹¥þ¬O¦bÁ¿¸ê®ÆÁå·|·d¥X¦h¤Ö°ÝÃD,°ò¥»¤W´N¬O¦R¼Ñ¸ê®ÆÁå. ¤£ª¾¹D¦³¦ó¦n¶}¤ßªº??? Link 11·|·d¥X1.5 tracks, Link 16·|·d¥X1.35 tracks. ´N¬O¦]¬°ÀW¼e¤£¨¬,¤Ó¦h¸ê°T³Q«Ì½ª¤F. §A¯u¬O·d¤£²M·¡ª¬ªp!
quote: Originally posted by voidmagia
¬Ý¨ì¤F¶Ü¡HCECn¸Ñ¨Mªº¨ä¤¤¤@Ó°ÝÃD¬Omultiple track¡C§A¤£¥ÎCEC¨ººØ¥Î¹p¹Fì©l¸ê®Æªº§@ªk¤]¥i¥H°µ¡A¥u¬O·|¦³°ÝÃD¡]«Ü»Ýn¨Ì¿à¤H¤O§PÂ_¡^¡C«ÂI¬O¡GCEC¥Îì©l¸ê®Æ´N¬On¸Ñ¨M³oÓ°ÝÃD¡I¥¦¸Ñ¨M°ÝÃDªº¤è¦¡¤£¬O¥ú¾a³t«×§Ö¦Ó¤w¦n¶Ü¡H
§Úªºð¦ÑÀn! §A¬O¸£¤l¶i¤ô¤F¶Ü? þ¦³¤H¥á±ó¤S§Ö¤S¦nªº¤èªk,°h¦^¤H¤O§PÂ_???
´N¬O¦]¬°³t«×§Ö,CEC¯à´£¨Ñ§ó¦h§ó·Ç½Tªº¸ê®Æµ¹¨t²Î¦Û°Ê§P§O. ¤H®a§i¶D§A¦p¦ó¦Û°Ê¤Æ,µ²ªG§Aªºµ²½×¬On¤â°Ê¥h°µ. §A¬O¦b»¡Ô£°¸Ü??? ºÆ¤F¶Ü? µw¥W¤]¤£¬O³o¼Ë....
quote: Originally posted by voidmagia
This is the primary reason a ship has, until now, been unable to fire on a track it does not hold radar information on. This is the major difference between the standard traditional link system and CEC. CEC does not submit tracks to the network of ships, aircraft and shore stations. Rather, CEC employs ¡§multisensory measurement fusion as opposed to single sensor tracks to allow battle force centric, rather than platform-centric engagement.¡¨ (Rivers, 2001) In other words, CEC sends raw radar data through the link. This radar measurement data is what allows the CEP (Cooperative Engagement Processor) to correlate the data and display a single composite track. The notion of a composite track is what makes CEC powerful.
¯à¤£¯à¤õ±±¨º¬O«á±¸ò¾Ô¨t¾ã¦XªºÅÞ¿è,¤S¤£¬O³oÃä. §A¬O¦bµoÔ£¯«¸g???
quote: Originally posted by voidmagia
CEC is a closed network system where all participants use the same algorithm and share the exact same air picture. The more participants, the better the picture gets because multiple views allow for better refinement of a track. This is because there are many things that affect the radar picture a ship receives. Weather, sea state, and altitude all affect the resulting radar picture received by a ship¡¦s sensors. Not all tracks are held at the same time, and for the same amount of time, by all platforms. By combining the raw radar data of multiple ships into a single network and creating a composite track out of the pieces that each participant holds, we get a much more refined and complete track as shown in Figure 7.
¦pªG³o¸Ì¼g±o¨º»ò©ú¥Õcomposite track¬O«ç»ò²£¥Íªº¡A§AÁ٬ݤ£À´§Ú¤]¨S¿ìªk
§A®Ú¥»¨S¬ÝÀ´,¦ôp§A¬ÝÀ´¨CÓ^¤å¦r,¦ý¬O²z¤uI´º¤ÓÄê, ¨ä¹ê§A¤£À´¯u¥¿¦b»¡Ô£....
quote: Originally posted by voidmagia
Take for example a carrier strike group operating in enemy waters. One of the destroyers detects a sea-skimming cruise missile inbound to the group. However because of the proximity of the missile to the ocean, the radar system only gets a few radar ¡§hits.¡¨8 These few hits do not provide enough information to allow the fire control system to maintain track or create a fire-control solution. The aircraft carrier and one of the cruisers in the group also detect the missile a few seconds later and both have the same issue9. The missile is simply traveling too fast and too low to maintain track. At this point, the likelihood of successful engagement of this missile by the strike group is not high. Now assume the CSG is CEC capable. The bits and pieces that all three ships hold will be combined to create a composite track that all three can use to fire on the incoming target, thus increasing the likelihood of a successful shootdown.
¼o¸Ü,³o´N¬O§Aªº¸ê®ÆÁå¹F¤£¨ìªº.ª¾¹D¤£ª¾¹D??? ²×©óª¾¹DCEC¬°¦ón§Ö³t¶Ç»¼·P´ú¾¹¸ê®Æ¤F§a! ¨þ¨þ
quote: Originally posted by voidmagia
The next major deficiency of traditional link systems is the requirement for a ship or unit to maintain the link. CEC requires no such link or net control unit. This provides the primary benefit of survivability. A ship can join or leave the CEC network without compromising link integrity. Of course the more ships, aircraft, or other units that are participants in the CEC network, the better the picture will become, because CEC provides a composite track based on the data held by all units. Withdrawing from the link, while potentially reducing the overall accuracy of the picture, does not bring down the network.
¤S¦b¦R¼Ñ¸ê®ÆÁåÅo! ¦n¦nŪÂI¸ê®ÆÁÙ¬O¦³ÂI¥Î,¦ý¬OnŪÀ´§r!!! Ū¤£À´ÁÙ¬O¥Õ·f.....
§A³Ì«á¤@¥y®Ú¥»²z¸Ñ(½Ķ)¿ù»~(¤£§¹¾ã),¦ÛÃn¨äµu... ¥i¼¦§r! ¬Ý§A^¤å¦r³£»{±o,¦ý¬O´N¬O¤£À´.¦nºG§r! .....
³o¨Ç¯µ±K¸Ü»y¨Ó¦Û¬¡µÛªºC¿q¡A¥Ñ}}¼¯´µ¡EµS¤j¡E¦h°¨°O¿ý¡C ¥L»¡¡G¡u¥ô¦ó¤Hµo²{¤F³o¨Ç¸Üªº·N¸q¡A±N¤£·|À|¨ì¦º¤`ªº´þ¨ý¡C¡v ¦h°¨ºÖµ²Ä1¸` |
Edited by - cwchang2100 on 03/29/2019 17:24:05 |
5940 Posts |
Posted - 03/29/2019 : 21:04:16
quote: Originally posted by dasha
¦Ó¥B¥xÆWªº¨¾¿mÅé¨t,¤£¥u¬O³°¾Ô,¬O³°®üªÅ¤T¤è±,¥»¨Ó³]pªº¬OÃþ¦ü¤@¦¸¤j¾Ô¨ººØn¶ëÅé¨t,©Ò¦³§L¤O¤£»Ýn°Ê,©¼¦¹¤õ¤O´N¯à²[»\¨ì¬Û¾F°}¦aªº¤WªÅ,¥æ¤e±»Å@,ÁöµM³o±a¨Ó¤j®aÃi±o°Ê¦Ó®e©ö³Q«õ¦a¥Êªº¯ÊÂI,¦ý³oºØ¨¾¿m§A¨t³]pªº·N¸q¨Ã«Dn§A§O¾÷°Ê,¦Ó¬O¤£»Ýn¾÷°Ê´N¯à½T«O¼Ä¤H¨S¦a¤è¶¹L,¤@©wn¤@Ó¤@Ó¦a¥ÊºCºC«õ¤~¯à¬ð¯},n¨ì§Ú¤è·l¥¢¨ì¶W¹L50%,¤~·|¦³¤õ¤Oºô¯}¬},¦Ó¥²¶·¥H³¡¶¤¾÷°Ê¥h¸É³oÓ¯}¬}. ²{¦b«o¬O¦Û¤vµôx,µô¨ì¤õ¤Oºô¥X²{¯}¬},Åܦ¨¤@¶}¾Ô§A´Nnµøª¬ªp¥þ³t¾÷°Ê,§_«h¼Ä¤H¦³¥i¯à±q¬Y¨Ç¸ô½u¥H´X¥G¨S·l¥¢ªºª¬ªpª½±µ§ðÀ»¤¤¼Ï,ÁÙ¬ü¨ä¦W¬°¾÷°Ê¨¾¿m,³oºØ³¡¶¤¾Ô·l30%´N¾ãÓÅé¨t±Y¼ì¤F......
·í¦~³]p®É¦ü¥G¤£¥²¦Ò¼{¤j¶q·s«¬¸ü¨ã,ªñ¦~¥H¦¹¤èªk¹F¨ì¦P¼Ë¥Øªº©Ò»Ý³°¾Ô§L¤O®£©È·|«ü¼Æ©Êªº¼W¥[? |
Edited by - ki1 on 03/29/2019 21:04:40 |
Cayman Islands
17243 Posts |
Posted - 03/29/2019 : 21:57:40
quote: Originally posted by ki1
À³¸ÓÁÙ¦n,¥H·í¦~ªº§L¤O,«Ü§Ö´N·|¹F¨ì·¥°ªªº§L¤O±K«×. ¥[¤W¥xÆWªº¨¾¿m½u¨Ã¤£¬O¤Óªø,Áa²`¤]´N¬O¨º¼Ë¤F.
¦pªG³£°t¥H°÷±jªº¤õ¤O,¨º¤õ¤O±K«×¤]·|¬Û·í¦aÅå¤H. ¯à¦³´X¦¨ªº¼W¥[´N«Ü¤£±o¤F,®Ú¥»¤£·|¨ì«ü¼Æªº¤ñ¨Ò.
³o¨Ç¯µ±K¸Ü»y¨Ó¦Û¬¡µÛªºC¿q¡A¥Ñ}}¼¯´µ¡EµS¤j¡E¦h°¨°O¿ý¡C ¥L»¡¡G¡u¥ô¦ó¤Hµo²{¤F³o¨Ç¸Üªº·N¸q¡A±N¤£·|À|¨ì¦º¤`ªº´þ¨ý¡C¡v ¦h°¨ºÖµ²Ä1¸` |
5940 Posts |
Posted - 03/29/2019 : 22:04:47
quote: Originally posted by cwchang2100
À³¸ÓÁÙ¦n,¥H·í¦~ªº§L¤O,«Ü§Ö´N·|¹F¨ì·¥°ªªº§L¤O±K«×. ¥[¤W¥xÆWªº¨¾¿m½u¨Ã¤£¬O¤Óªø,Áa²`¤]´N¬O¨º¼Ë¤F.
¤õ¤O¤W·í¦~¤j¬ù¥u¦³Ä¥¯¥©Mµn³°¸Ë³Æ,ªñ¦~«h¬OªÅx©Mªøµ{¯¥§L |
Edited by - ki1 on 03/29/2019 22:10:42 |
Cayman Islands
17243 Posts |
Posted - 03/29/2019 : 23:36:09
quote: Originally posted by ki1
¨ä¹ê³Ì¦h®t¤£¦h¤]¥u¦³½u¦Ó¤w. ¦A¦hªºª½ª@¾÷,§A¤]n°¸¨. ´NºâÅý§AÅ|¤Q¼hª½¤É¾÷,¤]ÁÙ¬On¤@¯Z¯Z¦a°¸¨.
¦è©¤Á`ªø´Nºâ400KM,·í¦~50¸U¤jx,¥§¡¤@¤½¨½¥i¶ë¤@¤d¦h¤H. ±Æ±Æ¯¸ªº¸Ü¥i¥H¤â²o¤âÁÙ¦³¦h. ©Ò¥H¬On¬Ý³o¨Ç§L¤O¾Ö¦³¦h¤Ö¤õ¤O. ¤H¤O¨ä¹ê·í¦~ªº°ÝÃD¤£¤j.
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2181 Posts |
Posted - 03/29/2019 : 23:36:22
quote: Originally posted by cwchang2100
quote: Originally posted by voidmagia
¤S¦b½M§è¤@°ï¤¥|¤Tªº¡CCECªº¸ê®Æ¶Ç¿é³t«×«Ü§Ö¡A¦ý¨º¬O¥¦¯à¤Oªº¥²n±ø¥ó¡A«o¤£¬O¥R¤À±ø¥ó¡AÀ´¡H¥¦¯u¥¿«nªº¯à¤O®Ú¥»¤£¦b³o¡C¥ý»¡Composite tracking¡A¥¦«ç»ò¨Óªº¡H¨Ó¬Ý³o¸Ì¡G
CEC can share radar measurement data that are independently processed at each unit into composite tracks with input data appropriately weighted by the measurement accuracy of each sensor input. Thus, if any unit¡¦s onboard radar fails to receive updates for a time, the track does not simply coast (risking loss or de-correlation from the tracks of other units reported over tactical command and control data links), but rather it continues because of data availability from other units. This function is performed for radar and identification Friend or Foe (IFF) system with IFF transponder responses as ¡§measurement¡¨ inputs to the composite track in process. The composite track function is accompanied by automatic CEC track number commonality, even when tracking is being performed simultaneously at each unit. Also provided is the composite identification doctrine, as input from a console of a selected net control unit (NCU), for all CEC units to implement to jointly decide on a target¡¦s classification. [Johns Hopkins, 1995] ¬Ý¨ì¤F¶Ü¡H¦UÓCEC¥Î¤á¬O¦U¦Û¥Î¦P¼Ëªººtºâªk¡u¿W¥ß¡v³B²z·P´ú¾¹¼Æ¾Ú¥H§Î¦¨¥Ø¼Ð¸ê®Æ¡A¨Ã¤£¬Oª½±µ¥æ´«¥Ø¼Ð¸ê®Æ¡C
ì¤å¬O»¡±N¦U·P´ú¾¹¿W¥ß³B²z¹Lªº´ú¶q¸ê®Æºî¦X¦¨composite tracks, «á±¦³¸ÑÄÀ¤èªk,¬O¥Î²Îp¤è¦¡±N¦UÓ·P´ú¾¹¼¤WÅv«¤§«áªº²Îp. ¦¹Åv«¬O®Ú¾Ú·P´ú¾¹ªºÆF±Ó«×.
þ¨Ó°§èªº¦P¼Ëºtºâªk??? («á±ªº¦P¼Ëºtºâªk¬O«üCEC,¤£¬O·P´ú³æ¤¸!)
§ó¦óªp¨ì¦¹³£ÁÙ¨S¦³§Î¦¨¥Ø¼Ð! þ¨Óªº¥Ø¼Ð¸ê®Æ??? ¥u¦³measurement!!! OK?! ¦Ü¤Ö¤]n¹L¤FCorrelationªº¶¥¬q¤~·|§Î¦¨¥Ø¼Ð. §A³s¹p¹F«H¸¹(or¾Ô¨t)³B²z¬yµ{³£¤£²M·¡,ÁÙ¦b³o¸ÌJ»¡¤K¹D???
quote: Originally posted by voidmagia
All of these other link-driven systems have a couple of things in common that make them inferior. Chief amongst these deficiencies is that the link systems are sending tracks vice true radar data. This introduces error and ambiguity. How does a system know which track is more accurate? What happens when the system receives multiple tracks that it cannot correlate? And lastly what does the system output when it holds radar data but the link information it is receiving does not match what it sees on its own sensors? The answer is that it either combines multiple tracks into a single track, or it inputs what is known as a dual track. If the system mistakenly combines ¡V or correlates ¡V two tracks into one that are in reality separate contacts, the result is a lost contact and the ship can be vulnerable. If, on the other hand, the system creates a dual track there are now two tracks shown in the system but only one contact. Both of these conditions make the system extremely operator-intensive, because it is the operator that ultimately looks at the tracks and determines which ones are correct and which ones are not and then tries to correct the picture. Link 11 creates 1.5 tracks for every true track reported in the link. Link 16 is better by providing only 1.35 tracks for every true track. (Rivers, 2001) However, we can quickly see how multiple tracks can introduce problems into the system.
³oùا¹¥þ¬O¦bÁ¿¸ê®ÆÁå·|·d¥X¦h¤Ö°ÝÃD,°ò¥»¤W´N¬O¦R¼Ñ¸ê®ÆÁå. ¤£ª¾¹D¦³¦ó¦n¶}¤ßªº??? Link 11·|·d¥X1.5 tracks, Link 16·|·d¥X1.35 tracks. ´N¬O¦]¬°ÀW¼e¤£¨¬,¤Ó¦h¸ê°T³Q«Ì½ª¤F. §A¯u¬O·d¤£²M·¡ª¬ªp!
quote: Originally posted by voidmagia
¬Ý¨ì¤F¶Ü¡HCECn¸Ñ¨Mªº¨ä¤¤¤@Ó°ÝÃD¬Omultiple track¡C§A¤£¥ÎCEC¨ººØ¥Î¹p¹Fì©l¸ê®Æªº§@ªk¤]¥i¥H°µ¡A¥u¬O·|¦³°ÝÃD¡]«Ü»Ýn¨Ì¿à¤H¤O§PÂ_¡^¡C«ÂI¬O¡GCEC¥Îì©l¸ê®Æ´N¬On¸Ñ¨M³oÓ°ÝÃD¡I¥¦¸Ñ¨M°ÝÃDªº¤è¦¡¤£¬O¥ú¾a³t«×§Ö¦Ó¤w¦n¶Ü¡H
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´N¬O¦]¬°³t«×§Ö,CEC¯à´£¨Ñ§ó¦h§ó·Ç½Tªº¸ê®Æµ¹¨t²Î¦Û°Ê§P§O. ¤H®a§i¶D§A¦p¦ó¦Û°Ê¤Æ,µ²ªG§Aªºµ²½×¬On¤â°Ê¥h°µ. §A¬O¦b»¡Ô£°¸Ü??? ºÆ¤F¶Ü? µw¥W¤]¤£¬O³o¼Ë....
quote: Originally posted by voidmagia
This is the primary reason a ship has, until now, been unable to fire on a track it does not hold radar information on. This is the major difference between the standard traditional link system and CEC. CEC does not submit tracks to the network of ships, aircraft and shore stations. Rather, CEC employs ¡§multisensory measurement fusion as opposed to single sensor tracks to allow battle force centric, rather than platform-centric engagement.¡¨ (Rivers, 2001) In other words, CEC sends raw radar data through the link. This radar measurement data is what allows the CEP (Cooperative Engagement Processor) to correlate the data and display a single composite track. The notion of a composite track is what makes CEC powerful.
¯à¤£¯à¤õ±±¨º¬O«á±¸ò¾Ô¨t¾ã¦XªºÅÞ¿è,¤S¤£¬O³oÃä. §A¬O¦bµoÔ£¯«¸g???
quote: Originally posted by voidmagia
CEC is a closed network system where all participants use the same algorithm and share the exact same air picture. The more participants, the better the picture gets because multiple views allow for better refinement of a track. This is because there are many things that affect the radar picture a ship receives. Weather, sea state, and altitude all affect the resulting radar picture received by a ship¡¦s sensors. Not all tracks are held at the same time, and for the same amount of time, by all platforms. By combining the raw radar data of multiple ships into a single network and creating a composite track out of the pieces that each participant holds, we get a much more refined and complete track as shown in Figure 7.
¦pªG³o¸Ì¼g±o¨º»ò©ú¥Õcomposite track¬O«ç»ò²£¥Íªº¡A§AÁ٬ݤ£À´§Ú¤]¨S¿ìªk
§A®Ú¥»¨S¬ÝÀ´,¦ôp§A¬ÝÀ´¨CÓ^¤å¦r,¦ý¬O²z¤uI´º¤ÓÄê, ¨ä¹ê§A¤£À´¯u¥¿¦b»¡Ô£....
quote: Originally posted by voidmagia
Take for example a carrier strike group operating in enemy waters. One of the destroyers detects a sea-skimming cruise missile inbound to the group. However because of the proximity of the missile to the ocean, the radar system only gets a few radar ¡§hits.¡¨8 These few hits do not provide enough information to allow the fire control system to maintain track or create a fire-control solution. The aircraft carrier and one of the cruisers in the group also detect the missile a few seconds later and both have the same issue9. The missile is simply traveling too fast and too low to maintain track. At this point, the likelihood of successful engagement of this missile by the strike group is not high. Now assume the CSG is CEC capable. The bits and pieces that all three ships hold will be combined to create a composite track that all three can use to fire on the incoming target, thus increasing the likelihood of a successful shootdown.
¼o¸Ü,³o´N¬O§Aªº¸ê®ÆÁå¹F¤£¨ìªº.ª¾¹D¤£ª¾¹D??? ²×©óª¾¹DCEC¬°¦ón§Ö³t¶Ç»¼·P´ú¾¹¸ê®Æ¤F§a! ¨þ¨þ
quote: Originally posted by voidmagia
The next major deficiency of traditional link systems is the requirement for a ship or unit to maintain the link. CEC requires no such link or net control unit. This provides the primary benefit of survivability. A ship can join or leave the CEC network without compromising link integrity. Of course the more ships, aircraft, or other units that are participants in the CEC network, the better the picture will become, because CEC provides a composite track based on the data held by all units. Withdrawing from the link, while potentially reducing the overall accuracy of the picture, does not bring down the network.
¤S¦b¦R¼Ñ¸ê®ÆÁåÅo! ¦n¦nŪÂI¸ê®ÆÁÙ¬O¦³ÂI¥Î,¦ý¬OnŪÀ´§r!!! Ū¤£À´ÁÙ¬O¥Õ·f.....
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2181 Posts |
Posted - 03/29/2019 : 23:48:07
quote: Originally posted by ki1
quote: Originally posted by dasha
¦Ó¥B¥xÆWªº¨¾¿mÅé¨t,¤£¥u¬O³°¾Ô,¬O³°®üªÅ¤T¤è±,¥»¨Ó³]pªº¬OÃþ¦ü¤@¦¸¤j¾Ô¨ººØn¶ëÅé¨t,©Ò¦³§L¤O¤£»Ýn°Ê,©¼¦¹¤õ¤O´N¯à²[»\¨ì¬Û¾F°}¦aªº¤WªÅ,¥æ¤e±»Å@,ÁöµM³o±a¨Ó¤j®aÃi±o°Ê¦Ó®e©ö³Q«õ¦a¥Êªº¯ÊÂI,¦ý³oºØ¨¾¿m§A¨t³]pªº·N¸q¨Ã«Dn§A§O¾÷°Ê,¦Ó¬O¤£»Ýn¾÷°Ê´N¯à½T«O¼Ä¤H¨S¦a¤è¶¹L,¤@©wn¤@Ó¤@Ó¦a¥ÊºCºC«õ¤~¯à¬ð¯},n¨ì§Ú¤è·l¥¢¨ì¶W¹L50%,¤~·|¦³¤õ¤Oºô¯}¬},¦Ó¥²¶·¥H³¡¶¤¾÷°Ê¥h¸É³oÓ¯}¬}. ²{¦b«o¬O¦Û¤vµôx,µô¨ì¤õ¤Oºô¥X²{¯}¬},Åܦ¨¤@¶}¾Ô§A´Nnµøª¬ªp¥þ³t¾÷°Ê,§_«h¼Ä¤H¦³¥i¯à±q¬Y¨Ç¸ô½u¥H´X¥G¨S·l¥¢ªºª¬ªpª½±µ§ðÀ»¤¤¼Ï,ÁÙ¬ü¨ä¦W¬°¾÷°Ê¨¾¿m,³oºØ³¡¶¤¾Ô·l30%´N¾ãÓÅé¨t±Y¼ì¤F......
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Cayman Islands
17243 Posts |
Posted - 03/29/2019 : 23:54:13
quote: Originally posted by voidmagia
´N¹³²{¦bªº»·¶Z¤â³N,¤]¬On§C©µ¿ð,°ªÀW¼e. Âå¥Íªº¤â³N§Þ³N·íµM¤]«Ü«n,¨âªÌ¯Ê£¸¤£¥i. ¦ý¬O¬°¦ó¤j®a·|¥ý¬Ýºô¸ô±ø¥ó,¦]¬°¨º¤~¬O²{¤µªº¬ì§Þ²~ÀV.
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1314 Posts |
Posted - 03/30/2019 : 02:58:44
6244 Posts |
Posted - 03/30/2019 : 15:43:06
°ÝÃD¤£¬O¤¸U§L¤O, °ÝÃD¬O¨Ì¥xÆWª¬ªp,µn³°°Ï³»¦h´N¤¤d¦Ü¤@¸U§L¤O¦ª¦Ó¤w.
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1314 Posts |
Posted - 03/30/2019 : 16:55:02
³æ¯Â¦n©_®üx¸òªÅx¦Û¤vªº¬ã¨s¨ì©³¦Û¤v¯àÅý¦@xÄ¥¸¥¾Ô·l¦h¤Ö? |
2181 Posts |
Posted - 03/30/2019 : 20:10:44
quote: Originally posted by jackguof1273
5000-10000¤H®t¤£¦h¬O3Ó¾÷¨B®È¡A°²³]¨CÓ¾÷¨B®È¥§¡¦³3Ó¾÷¨BÀç¡A¨CÓ¾÷¨BÀç³£µoÓ¨â¥x¦aº»¤õ¸¼uµo®g¨®¡A¤@¦@´N¬O18¥x¡A¤@¥xªº¬[¤W¼uºâ8µo¡A¤@¦¸´N¥i¥Hµo®g144ªT¸¼u¡A¨âªi¸¼u´N¬O288µo¡A³oªí¥Ü¥ú¹ï¤èÁÙ¦b®ü¤W®É´N¥i¥H·F±¼¶W¹L200ӥؼСC¨â¸U¤Hªº§L¤O¬ù·í¤@¤dÓµn³°¥Î¸¥/¨®¡A³Q¤ÏÄ¥¸¼u·F±¼¤@¥b¡A¦A³Q¦aº»¤õ¸¼u·F±¼200Ó¡A³Ñ¤Un«ç»ò¥´¡H§Y¨Ï¥xÆW³°x¨S¤°»ò¤Ó¹³¼ËªºC4ISR¡A§L¤Oµ²ºc¹ïªº¸Ü¡A¹ï¤è¤]¤£¨£±o¥´±oĹ |
Reinherd Von Hwang´£·þ
9577 Posts |
Posted - 03/30/2019 : 23:11:11
quote: Originally posted by dasha
¨ä¹ê¤º¦æ¤H»P¥~¦æ¤H,¬Ý«ç¼Ë´yz·Q©w´Nª¾¹D,¥~¦æ¤H³q±`¥u¦³¤@ºØ·Q©w,¤º¦æ¤H«h¦³¦hºØ·Q©w,¦ý¥u´£¨ä¤¤´XºØ¥i¯à©Ê. ¦b¥¿¦¡ªº¼ÒÀÀ¤§«e,·|¶i¦æ¦UºØ¥i¯à©Ê¬ã¨s,¨ä¤¤¤@¤j°ï°êx·Ó±`°V½m¥Ñ¥~¥æÅé¨tÀ³¥I±¼ªº,¨º»P°êxµLÃö,·|¥æµ¹°êxªº·Q©w,¤j·§´N´XºØ:
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Edited by - Reinherd Von Hwang´£·þ on 03/30/2019 23:16:58 |
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