Captain Sulu
2822 Posts |
Posted - 07/31/2019 : 12:13:03
Silent Hunter III 還是很屌,但最近的競爭者愈來愈變態,都走向各種閥門都要第一人稱自己轉,就是模擬器了,算了。
Routine dive 常規下潛
1.Routine dive only ordered by Captain 只能由艦長發佈 2.Captain orders "Prepare to dive", descends into conning tower, closes voice tube on the bridge. 艦長下令"準備下潛",退回司令塔,關閉艦橋上的傳聲管(沒關會漏水嗎?) 3.Helmsman uses telegraph and switches from diesel to electric motors, then orders ahead half. 舵手使用傳令鐘,將動力由柴油切成電力,半速進俥 4.Navigator takes a depth sounding, reports depth under keel. 領航員使用深度探測器回報龍骨下海底深度 5.Navigator marks on chart where boat’s location is at the start of the dive. 領航員在海圖上標記下潛位置 6.Captain closes conning tower hatch, says “Conning tower hatch is closed" 艦長關閉司令塔艙門,說「司令塔艙門已關閉」 7.Dive Officer sets dive planes, tells Captain “Ready to dive” 潛航官設定操控舵,告知艦長「下潛準備完成」 8.Captain orders “Flood” 艦長下令「注水」 9.Helmsman opens the forward MBT #4 vent valves allowing seawater in the main ballast tanks. 舵手打開前方四號閥門,海水入注主櫃。 10.Navigator opens the aft MBT #2 vent valves allowing seawater in the main ballast tanks. 領航員打開後方二號閥門,海水入注主櫃。 11.Captain sets depth with order “Go to depth, xx meters” 艦長下令「潛至深度XX公尺」 12.The boat is dived at a down angle of 5-8°. In so doing, the ordered depth is initially overshot by about 2-5 meters, and the ordered depth is approached from below by the Dive Officer's operation of the dive planes. 艦身以5-8度俯角下潛,如此一般會衝過頭預定深度2-5公尺,潛航官操作操控舵由下方返回到預定深度 13.After the report of Dive Officer: "Boat is at xx meters", the order always follows, Captain: "Close vents". 潛航官回報「到達XX公尺」後,艦長下令「關閉閥門」 14.Helmsman and Navigator closes MBT vent valves. 舵手與領航員關閉氣閥 15.Navigator reports any leaks or problems, “No leaks detected, Herr Kaleun”. 領航員回報是否有漏水或異常狀況 16.Captain orders new speed, course as necessary. If at periscope depth, the slowest speed should be selected. 艦長如必要,下令新航速、航向。若位於潛望鏡深度,應選最慢速。 17.Helsman reports battery status, “Both batteries at xxxx amps, Herr Kaleun”. 舵手回報電瓶狀態 18.Sonar reports any contacts. 聲納回報任何接觸
┼ ───── 只要身上配刀的,就有自己的執念,一萬個浪士,一萬個皇國,選定了,不換也不回頭,選錯了,就命定,筆直地走向死亡。 |