曾在CIA擔任歷史顧問的梅爾頓(H. Keith Melton)解釋,美國警察、軍隊和反情報機構人員都是中方的「主要目標」,中國國家安全部會透過知道目標人物以前在中國生活情況的人士接觸他們,最後請求他們在「灰色地帶」為中國辦事。奧爾森指出,中間聯繫人會建議目標人物到中國聽取工作詳情,並接受貴賓般的招待,而此過程也讓中方可以檢視及評估他們,「(間諜)工作會被美化成幫助中國同胞」。尤有甚者,倘若目標人物在中國有家人,中方就會以此做為談判籌碼,聲稱可以滿足簽證或獎學金等金錢需求,交換他們為中國政府效勞。
臉書跟推特的CEO都被共和黨參議員邀請,前去參議院喝咖啡喬事情: https://twitter.com/SenHawleyPress/status/1316748890050265088 NEW — U.S. Senator Josh Hawley has formally requested @Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and @Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to appear before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism in a coming hearing titled "Digital Platforms and Election Interference.”
1. Twitter will no longer remove hacked content unless it is directly shared by hackers or those acting in concert with them. 2. It will label tweets to provide context instead of blocking links from being shared on Twitter.