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1241 Posts |
Posted - 09/07/2009 : 14:21:57
1923~1929之間,威瑪共和國在古斯塔夫.施特拉瑟曼(Gustav Stresemann)總理的領導下,透過美國的網開一面,得以一邊喘息一邊償還對英法的戰爭賠款,英法也願意撤出魯爾區,德國取回了「正常國家」的外交地位,德國國防軍悄悄的以治安和後備為名目重建起來,一切情勢看起來正在好轉當中,威瑪德國的經濟逐漸超越了1914年開戰前夕的那個德意志帝國。
1.放棄武力奪權方針,廢除衝鋒隊(SA)、改建武裝親衛隊(SS) 2.以反共反左派作為競選訴求 3.鼓吹德意志民族主義與優生學說、反猶太、反天主教
From this day to the ending of the world、 從今天開始直到世界末日, But we in it shall be remembered; 我們永遠會被記住。 We few、we happy few、 我們這一小撮,幸運的一小撮, we band of sisters; 我們是一群緊緊相依的姐妹。 For she to-day that sheds her blood with me 誰今天與我一起浴血奮戰, Shall be my sister. 誰就是我的姐妹。 |
41804 Posts |
Posted - 09/07/2009 : 15:37:46
十幾年前,小弟剛好有機會與德東及德西的大學生共同工作一段時間,從她/他們口中知道一些德國對於他們自己1970年代出生的孩子們,提供怎樣的歷史教育.基本上,德西會問"你們覺得德國有甚好的?"德東會說"我們不知道帝國主義時代是怎麼一回事,只知道課本說那是對落後國家的榨取."西德的作法看來就是日本所謂的"自虐史觀",東德的作法則根本不敢講過去做了甚. 不過德國還會去講二戰,其他地方的人根本不提二戰也不關心二戰,除了一個1940年已經是中學生的老教授,教我們為何吃肉排時怎樣用麵包吸乾那些汁的時候,才順帶提到他是在不列顛之役疏散到鄉下時,物資缺乏中學到的......
吉屋出售 台北市基隆路二段套房,近台大及捷運,附近有黃昏市場,生活機能便利. http://www.hbhousing.com.tw/web/A002/index.asp?module=search&file=Detail&No=Z087382%20%20%20&AID=A002 台北縣板橋市大觀路一二樓公寓,接近國小至大學各級學校及公車總站,離捷運及板橋車站不遠. 詳情請洽0931043559田小姐 |
165 Posts |
Posted - 09/07/2009 : 17:32:27
說句提外話 中日戰爭開始前,中德關係甚佳 "NAZI"被翻譯成"納粹"一詞,原意是"廣納英粹" 表示當時中國對納粹黨的好感
134 Posts |
Posted - 09/07/2009 : 17:44:13
感謝版大精采的綜述,如今對戰前德國的情況終於有一個大概的瞭解了,之前看的都是戰史,沒有深入去查看德意志在政治上是如何走到1939年那個地步的。 順便請教版大與大家,小弟一直很好奇整個歐洲甚至美國,除了宗教原因之外,為什麼或多或少,都有某種程度上的反猶情緒?是因為猶太人做生意的方法還是其他原因?
Edited by - chaos on 09/07/2009 17:49:33 |
607 Posts |
Posted - 09/07/2009 : 17:44:17
人的感情本來就是不容易相通 以色列也很少有人憎恨谷壽夫 東條
Od lo avdah tikvatenu Hatikvah bat shnot alpayim |
607 Posts |
Posted - 09/07/2009 : 17:47:17
Od lo avdah tikvatenu Hatikvah bat shnot alpayim |
134 Posts |
Posted - 09/07/2009 : 17:53:50
Edited by - chaos on 09/07/2009 17:54:06 |
1794 Posts |
Posted - 09/07/2009 : 17:58:07
就我看過的一些野史書籍,所謂"背刺論"流行的地方不止德國.英國在一戰後也玩過捉內奸的游戲,期望有能人補充一下. |
1241 Posts |
Posted - 09/07/2009 : 19:30:06
From this day to the ending of the world、 從今天開始直到世界末日, But we in it shall be remembered; 我們永遠會被記住。 We few、we happy few、 我們這一小撮,幸運的一小撮, we band of sisters; 我們是一群緊緊相依的姐妹。 For she to-day that sheds her blood with me 誰今天與我一起浴血奮戰, Shall be my sister. 誰就是我的姐妹。 |
607 Posts |
Posted - 09/07/2009 : 19:44:43
人性是不見相同 也許我看過的比較接近stereotype純屬偶然确率
Od lo avdah tikvatenu Hatikvah bat shnot alpayim |
7782 Posts |
Posted - 09/08/2009 : 00:51:10
其他二個是戰勝國(勉強算)只有德國是戰敗國 想復仇的心理動力是很強的
戰爭對於國家來說是一件太過嚴重的事情,它會造成巨大破壞並且致人於死,所以不能輕易得把戰爭掛在嘴上 |
107 Posts |
Posted - 09/08/2009 : 02:12:25
"The world is a dangerous place not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." -Albert Einstein Member of IMFS(International Military Fans Society) |
41804 Posts |
Posted - 09/08/2009 : 09:27:32
中國人與猶太人彼此不容易產生反感吧?因為很多做人做事原則都相同......這也是何以這兩種人比較容易遭到其他白種人白眼的原因.當然我們來看那些白種人就會覺得他們似乎是過於天真了...... 其實德國的一堆問題不是只有德國有,那時整個白種人社會都有,程度差異而已,只是後來與納粹打起來,為了宣揚自己的正當性,把納粹宣揚的那些當成政治不正確的說法而強硬排除,變成好像只有納粹在幹,這也算是一種白色恐怖與集體性的歷史記憶改竄......成因嗎?宗教性是很大的因素,對富人的嫉妒也是一個因素,還有,民族主義興起後,對於自己社會中擺明非同一民族的雜質難以容忍的問題,也是一個,因此當初其實不只是排猶,還有排吉普賽人,以及把某些土地擠出去讓他們成立別的國家的狀況,美其名為"民族自決".猶太人與吉普賽人在歐洲沒有土地,所以這問題比較嚴重.
吉屋出售 台北市基隆路二段套房,近台大及捷運,附近有黃昏市場,生活機能便利. http://www.hbhousing.com.tw/web/A002/index.asp?module=search&file=Detail&No=Z087382%20%20%20&AID=A002 台北縣板橋市大觀路一二樓公寓,接近國小至大學各級學校及公車總站,離捷運及板橋車站不遠. 詳情請洽0931043559田小姐 |
7782 Posts |
Posted - 09/08/2009 : 11:30:28
其他軸心小國也能談一下 例如被支解出去的捷克 匈牙利等 都是往日帝國的一部份 捷克對納粹的態度似乎就不像匈牙利那麼積極 因為身為帝國臣民時的不快回憶?
戰爭對於國家來說是一件太過嚴重的事情,它會造成巨大破壞並且致人於死,所以不能輕易得把戰爭掛在嘴上 |
607 Posts |
Posted - 09/08/2009 : 12:23:14
匈牙利在帝國時代與日耳曼同為統治民族 捷克是被統治民族 已經幾乎日耳曼化了 有不一樣的記憶很正常 一戰後捷克在努力排除奧地利的影響 動作比較大 讓奧地利出身的西老板很不爽
Od lo avdah tikvatenu Hatikvah bat shnot alpayim |
134 Posts |
Posted - 09/08/2009 : 13:50:08
quote: Originally posted by 海軍之子
Edited by - chaos on 09/08/2009 13:50:24 |
107 Posts |
Posted - 09/08/2009 : 15:14:40
quote: Originally posted by chaos 厚著臉皮請大大不吝分享。
那就不好意思獻醜了,先貼第一次世界大戰終戰前的部份,foot note的部份就不貼了,希望不會傷害到各位之眼睛 The Seed: The Great War
History is a continuous process, not divided segments. Therefore, in order to understand the mindset of the contemporary German during the Second World War, it is essential to understand the environment they came from. Many ideologies that were later advocated by the National Socialists first became significant during the First World War. Many of the German participants in the World War II Eastern Front were also either grown up in or lived through the Great War and its aftermath. Nevertheless, the Great War created the Weimar Republic and communist revolution in Germany. The political and economical climates caused by its aftermath had created a social environment beneficial to the National Socialist movement.
Nationalism was already popular in Germany before the Great War broke out On the eve of national mobilization, in response to the tension with Serbia, 300,000 Berliners assembled in from of Kaiser’s palace to show their readiness to defend the Reich on 31 July, 1914. Kaiser Wilhelm II proclaimed to the crowds: “I no longer recognize parties or confessions, today we are all German brothers, and only German brothers.” Nearly simultaneously, thousands of patriotic German flooded the Odeonsplatz in Munich on 2 August, 1914 to hear the declaration of war against Serbia. Those German were also there to recognize “the common fellowship of being German and of belonging to a nation.” The war declaration received a strong affectionate response of popular nationalism, which was remembered as the “August Days.” The popular nationalism and war had united the German society into a collective community. All distinctions between different social classes and religions were removed. The German concept of one united people, or Volk, was formed.
The idea of Volk is certainly evidence that the contemporary Germany in 1914 endorsed collectivism. In a collective community, each individual become what psychologist Shinobu Kitayama and Hazel Markus call “interdependent self.” Interdependent individuals have a greater sense of belonging to the group compared to individualist culture. Thus, the goal of social life is no longer about enhancing the welfare of personal life, but harmonizing with and supporting the community. A person who grows up in a collective society would more likely be giving priority to the goals of the whole group and defining their personal identity accordingly. Sacrificing personal welfare for a greater cause, when it is necessary, becomes a sense of obligation and an act of honor. During this time, the conservative elites in Germany promoted self-sacrifice heroism and militarism. Economist Werner Sombart in his famous 1915 writing, Merchants and Heroes, expressed his definition of German spirit: “Man has to do his work as long as he lives…to be a German means to be a hero… wants to sacrifice himself-without anything in return.” In his 1897 speech, the Aim of the State, historian Heinrich von Treitschke also claimed that the fundamental function of the state is to organize an army and an administration of the law to protect its citizens. He further claimed that making war is the second essential function of a state. He stated, “Without war there would be no state at all…war will last till the end of history.” Treitschke also criticized the people who pursued peace as being “irrational.” The violent nature of war was neglected and became instead a glorious action. This kind of mindset reflects on the enthusiastic German public support during the first week of the war.
German supremacy was another popular theme the conservative elites advocated during that period. They believed that the German people were more advanced in every aspect than the other ethnic groups. This belief can be traced back years before the war. For example, English aristocrat and famous author Houston Stewart Chamberlain wrote in his letter to the Kaiser Wilhelm II in 1901, “[T]he moral and spiritual salvation of mankind depends on things German…for science, philosophy, and religion can today make no step forward except in the German language…today God relies only on the Germans...and if the creator of the moral world order has chosen the Germans as his instruments, then they must submerge themselves completely in the pursuance of this God-given duty.” In Kaiser’s response to Chamberlain, he wrote: “And now I wish God’s blessing and the grace of our Savior upon my comrade-in-arms and ally in the struggle for the Germanic peoples against Rome, Jerusalem, etc. The feeling that we are fighting for an absolutely good divine cause is our guarantee of victory!” Chamberlain’s view was popular among the German conservative elites. Protestant sentiments against the Roman Catholic Church were also involved; nevertheless, it reveals the ambitions of Germany’s sacred mission in the world. The words of Chamberlain and Kaiser Wilhelm II on German supremacy in 1901 echoed to the later slogan of “Deutschland, Deutschland über Alles [Germany, Germany above all].” Strong German nationalism not only created the concept of German Supremacy, but also triggered popular anti-Semitism.
Anti-Semitism was not a specialty of Germany. It had more than two thousand years of history in Europe even prior to the Middle Ages. It can be traced back to the Christian stereotype of Jewish immoral materialism and commercialism. It was also for the fact that the Jews rejected “world-renouncing Christianity.” There was also the racial element of assuming Jews were “selfish and sinful.” In Germany, the materialist stereotype was used by the conservative elites in the late 1800s to counter the middle-class liberalism and working-class labor movement. This was because the Jewish communities overwhelmingly supported, and assumed leadership positions in, the left wing political factions. The progressing growth of the left-wing parties proliferated the support of nationalism, militarism, and imperialism among the right-wing factions and the conservative elites. The traditional European Christian anti-Semitism was then intensified by popular nationalism and German supremacy because of the Jewish tradition of maintaining a separate identity contradicted the ethnic homogeneity, which the Nationalists viewed as a vital pre-requisite to establish a strong nation. However, this anti-Semitic sentiment was suppressed for the sake of national unity when the Great War broke out.
The seed of Nazi Germany was already planted for years in the dusk of the German Empire. The ideologies and social norms that the conservative elites have been advocated for years had reach to its peak in the imperial period in the midst of the First World War. The war, popular nationalism, and German supremacy had created a close collective community known as the aforementioned German Volk. The fates of ordinary Germans were bound together as the 4 years of bloody trench warfare wind down. The outcome of the Great War would create chaos and affect every single German’s daily life tremendously. The chaos in the short-lived Weimar Republic also provided the opportunity of a lifetime for the radical right-wing figures such as Adolf Hitler to seize power.
"The world is a dangerous place not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." -Albert Einstein Member of IMFS(International Military Fans Society) |
107 Posts |
Posted - 09/08/2009 : 15:28:42
順便貼一下威瑪共和國的部份,因為報告的主題是在二戰東部戰線德軍之思想及心態,並稍稍提及心理狀況(原來的計畫是還要從心理學的角度來探討,以及與基督教之關聯,但是為了趕截稿所以就把原計畫砍了大概1/3吧,但是再貼的這兩段我已經有稍微提到社會心理學的東西,未來是希望能以戰鬥心理學和社會心理學來彌補歷史分析之不足,Browning已經在做類似的研究了),所以只著重於相關之社會事件及思想演進,有些流水帳就沒寫了 The Greenhouse: The Weimar Republic
The turbulent Weimar era provided a greenhouse for right-wing nationalist ideologies to grow among the German public. One could say the social and economic conditions in this era made the rise of National Socialist movement inevitable. The generations who were born or grow up in the 1920s also form the backbone of the German forces in the Eastern Front between 1939 and 1945. Those people would later spill their sweat and blood for the Fatherland and commit acts they could never imagine. It is important to understand the social ideology of their time in order to understand their mentality.
The Great War was coming to a bitter end for Imperial Germany. The high casualties of war had cause doubt on the heroism and German supremacy advocated by the Conservative Elites. The prolonged fighting without making visible progress had made the German public “los[e] their taste [for] war,” as historian Sebastian Haffner, only a boy back in 1918, described it. Inspired by the success of Russian Revolution in March 1917, the left-wing factions in Germany increasingly demanded the government to seek peace with the Allies. In July 1917, the SPD, Catholic Center Party and other liberal factions in the Reichstag passed a resolution demanding that the German government negotiate for peace. This action enraged the conservatives and cause further political polarization in Germany. The resolution also put down the roots of the belief that the left-wing and communists had sabotaged the war effort and took the victory away from the German people in the last minute. This emotional effect played an important role in Germany until the end of the Second World War.
Disregarding the political drama between the socialists and conservatives, the German military defeat was seemed to be inevitable. In August 1918, the German military High Command had made it clear to the government officials that the war could no longer be won and suggested them to seek peace. In an effort to gain more favorable terms to end the war, the German government underwent the process of political reform into a parliamentary democracy. Two months later, an order to conduct a desperate final attack from the German Naval High Command had caused mutiny of German sailors in Kiel. The mutiny soon became a full-scale communist uprising raging all over Germany. The communist revolution, although only lasting less than a year, had created an even more solid ground for the conservative belief of socialist and liberal back-stabbing. The situation had forced Kaiser Wilhelm II to announce his abdication on 9 November. The SPD assumed power from the monarchy and signed an armistice with the Allied to end the Great War two days later. The German military was simultaneously disbanded. Many Germans, like Haffner, have never heard a gunshot throughout the entire Great War until the communist revolution in Germany. The war was brought back to the home front. The memory of November 1918 was as symbolic as the “August Days” in 1914 in the German history. In Heffner’s words, the memory of November 1918, “recalls no sense of joy, only bad mood, defeat, anxiety, senseless gunfights, confusion, and bad weather.” Later, the right-wing factions often used these collective memories to advocate their ideology.
Many Germans from the middle class and above may not have understood what the revolution or communism was about, but they had enough fear of them. Haffner remembered, “As middle-class boys, who more over had only just been roughly jolted out of a four-year-long patriotic intoxication with war, we were naturally against the Red revolutionaries…Although we only vaguely knew that they would ‘rob us of everything,’ probably liquidate those of our parents who were well-off, and altogether make life frightful and ‘Russian.’” Haffner’s passage has demonstrated that the negative image of Russia had already existed in1918 and was linked to the bad memories of the communist revolution. This vague image would constitute the protective mentality which played an important role in the Eastern Front during the Second World War. Because of the communist uprising, millions of veterans went home and found themselves stuck with unemployment in the midst of revolution. Many joined different factions led by former officer corps to fight the communist, and later the same group of people fought for power in the government of the Weimar Republic. One of the Social Democrat leaders, Gustav Noske, was responsible for organizing the veterans into volunteer paramilitary units called “Friekorps (Free Corps)” to suppress the communist uprising. The fact the SPD and communist party had turned against each other weakened the power of the left against the radical right in the Republic. The communist revolution had created an anti-communist sentiment in Germany, which gave the right-wing an opportunity to seize power, and left the Social Democrats handicapped.
Opposite to the left-wingers, who were busy fighting each other, the right-wing factions had united against the liberal Republic and the revolution. The middle-class not only felt fear of communist expansion, but also felt a need for national unity to counter the radical left-wing movement. The nationalist slogans such as “Volksgemeinschaft (people’s community), Volksstaat (people’s state), and Volkspartei (people’s party)” had return to the society. People felt another “August Days” was needed. Furthermore, the punitive Versailles Treaty was vastly unpopular among the Germans regardless of their political orientation. The German public was angry with the humiliation of national sovereignty that Allied powers had imposed upon Germany through the treaty. Especially the Article 231, which held Germany fully responsible for the Great War. The treaty had become an original sin of the Weimar Republic in the eyes of discontented German public. The popular support turned to the right-wing groups attempting to reverse the treaty. Right-wing radical groups such as the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) took the opportunity to expand their grassroots among nationalists and conservatives. As the radical right-wing groups gained power, the once died-down anti-Semitism returned to the German society.
As mentioned previously, the anti-Semitism was suppressed during the war period for the sake of national unity. However, the situation has changed when the war ended with German defeat, and the outbreak of communist revolution. The German nationalists and radical right-wing groups blame Jews and left-wing for the German defeat and on-going revolution. At the same time, Russian and Baltic German refugees flooded into Germany to escaped from the Russian Revolution and the Russian civil war that was aimed to counter the communist revolutionaries. Those refugees also brought their stories into Germany with them. The right-wing nationalist and the refugees found common enemies in the Bolsheviks. The linkage of Jewish communities to left-wing groups before the Great War provided an argument for the anti-Semitic groups to advocate their ideology in the waves of anti-communism. Some of those refugees who had lost majority of their properties and their way of life to the revolution naturally became eager witnesses for the anti-left and anti-Semitic cause. Thus the terminology Judeo-Bolshevism (Jewish-Bolshevism) was born, and used by groups like NSDAP throughout the Second World War. Alfred Rosenberg was one of Baltic German refugees who played an important role in the Nazi propaganda machine since 1921. He published an article called The Russian-Jewish Revolution in the midst of communist revolution is Germany, proclaimed the linkage of Russian Jews and communism in Russia, and intended to convince the German public that the Jews “had become the leading enemies of the Germanic ideals.” In Rosenberg’s article, he claimed “The workers and soldiers have been driven so far that there is no going back for them anymore, they are the slavish creatures of a tough Jewry which has burned all its bridges.” In the conclusion, he claimed “that the hatred against the Jews in Russia is constantly spreading, despite all terror. The most tenderhearted and tolerant Russians are now as full of this hatred as a tsarist bureaucrat used to be,” and warned that the Jews will flee to Germany, “where [people] love the Jews so much and keep the warmest seats ready for them,” if the communist government failed in Russia. Hitler was not the creator of the anti-Semitic fever, but he himself was a creation of the radical anti-left movement caused by the German political polarization and communist militant threat. Ironically, the German soldiers and workers would eventually be pushed to the extreme, not by the strong Jewry as Rosenberg’s world view, but by the very ideology Rosenberg advocated. Within a decade, the economic instabilities will ring the knell for the Weimar Republic.
In 1923, the public confidence in the Weimar Republic was severely damaged during the hyperinflation when France occupied the Ruhr industrial region for the reparations of the Great War. The inflation had effect the daily life of average German, as the exchange rate went from 7,589 marks to a dollar at the end of 1922 to 4.2 trillion marks in November, 1923. Many people had their life saving turned into nothing overnight. This became another painful collective memory for the German public, which became another factor contributed to Hitler’s acquisition of power 10 years later. Haffner described the year of 1923 as the year that “gave birth to [Nazism’s] lunatic aspects.” The French occupation flamed nationalism among the German public due to the passive response of the Weimar regime, a sense of national humiliation, and insecurity. Then the government’s economic stabilization measures in 1924 had put thousands of blue-collar workers out of job and maintained an unemployment rate of over 10 percent most of the time until the Great Depression. German people were looking for hope in the midst of broken economy, inflation, and unemployment. In Haffner’s words, “It was at this time, that invisibly and unnoticed, the Germans divided into those who later became Nazis and those who would remain non-Nazis.” The strong nationalism after the Ruhr crisis soon found new advocates.
In early 1920s, some conservative intellectuals had launched so-called “the Conservative Revolution.” The movement was aim to redirect to the right-wing nationalism from left-wing’s “November Revolution.” The concept of the Third Reich arose during the movement. In 1923 Arthur Moeller van den Bruck published an article titled The Third Reich, which was considered the most important publication of the movement and was re-issued again in 1930. In Bruck’s writing, “the Third Reich was envisioned as a unified, distinctively German national community in which the partisan divisions of Western parliamentarism, liberal individualism, and class-based socialism had been overcome.” The Conservative Revolution focused on overcoming the class division with the Germanic idealism, which echoed Houston Stewart Chamberlain’s German Supremacy, and prepared the German intellectuals in supporting the Nazi cause against the left-wing’s attempt to solve social class issue with material reality. Around the same period, German public had found a new passion in sports. Between 1924 and 1926, Sports records replace war news on the billboard. The fever of German Supremacy had returned from ten years ago. People were driven by the desire to find the lost glory of Germany through competition in sports. However, the dream of German Supremacy was crushed once more when Germany had only achieved second place in the 1928 Amsterdam Olympics. The raise of Bruck and Chamberlain’s ideology represent the effort of the right-wing conservatives in advocating for national regeneration from the disastrous defeat of the Great War. Those individual events subsequently paved a path for the National Socialist Party to seize power. In a way it prepared German people, especially the young generation, for a mindset to accept Nazi world view. Finally, the upcoming crisis would construct the final stage for Hitler to obtain power and eventually become a dictator.
The Great Depression in 1929 started the world-wide domino effect. The unemployment rate of industrial workers in developed economies rage to between 20 percent to more than 30 percent. The total trade values between 1929 and 1932 dropped by 70 percent. By 1931, Germany and Austria are on the edge of bankruptcy. The unemployment population in Germany almost reached 6 million people. The difficult situation created an even further polarized society. As a result of the militant approach the German Communist Party took, the mild SPD was weakened and the radical left drove millions of middle-class German to the side of the NSDAP during the Great Depression. In the Reichstag election on 14 September, 1930, National Socialist jumped from 12 seats to 107 seats and became the second largest party. Hitler suddenly obtained enough bargaining chips to make a deal with the old conservatives. Through a series of political bargaining, bluffing, and conflicts, the conservatives who feared the failure of National Socialist Party would lead to a more favorable situation for the Communists ended up compromising with Hitler’s demand, and accepted Hitler as the chancellor. Hitler’s Thousand-Year Reich would soon be on the center stage of history.
"The world is a dangerous place not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." -Albert Einstein Member of IMFS(International Military Fans Society) |
Edited by - 海軍之子 on 09/08/2009 15:53:35 |
107 Posts |
Posted - 09/08/2009 : 15:44:44
quote: Originally posted by dasha
"The world is a dangerous place not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." -Albert Einstein Member of IMFS(International Military Fans Society) |
Edited by - 海軍之子 on 09/08/2009 15:54:45 |
607 Posts |
Posted - 09/08/2009 : 17:20:07
黑人玩奴隸card對亞裔一點用也沒有 亞裔才是美國社會地位最低 最被不公正對待的族群
Od lo avdah tikvatenu Hatikvah bat shnot alpayim |
1744 Posts |
Posted - 09/10/2009 : 11:02:40
quote: 按照傳統的歐洲國家遊戲規則,對德國加諸了非常苛刻的凡爾賽條約。
這句話有問題 凡爾賽條約是西洋史上最違反歐洲傳統外交遊戲規則的條約
從文藝復興時代開始 其實各國間的外交折衝不是由教會的教士 就是由一批義大利人四處奔走當職業說客/外交掮客 這些職業外交家多半不屬於直接衝突的兩方陣營 在旁觀者清/想多撈好處的狀況下 形塑出一次次近代的歐洲外交慣例
強權間戰爭後的和平條約重要的一點在於 勝者固然要拿到好處 但敗者也要留些台階/青山 大家都還要過自己的日子 其中達雷航和俾斯麥算是十九世紀歐洲史上最懂箇中奧妙的外交大師 達雷航保住了拿破崙戰爭後的法國 更是被譏為"強權分贓遊戲"的維也納條約 能成為史上最成功的和平條約的推手 俾斯麥在執政期間在外交方面作成的俾斯麥體系 也順利擔起了維也納條約維持和平的重任 (但因為老毛奇的關係 俾斯麥體系的罩門被擴大)
(俾斯麥下台對歐洲的震撼不下於維多利亞女皇駕崩 可說是"美好老時光"將要結束的警鐘之一 意味到彼此將難免一戰的歐洲列強在末代沙皇尼古拉二世的提議下 在海牙開了幾次會 成立了國際法庭的前身:國際常備仲裁庭)
但巴黎和約簽訂時 主導其事的不是文藝復興時代的外交掮客 更不是十九世紀的菁英貴族 而是一群被選票間接/直接推出來的民選政客 在民族主義的強迫推力下 (一戰的總動員體制更是嚴重強化了這個推力) 這些政客老實說也沒多大選擇空間 但還是不能藉此掩蓋他們因為失誤而造成的罪惡 於是當時歐洲史上最不合理的條約:巴黎和約誕生了
雖然日後美國驚覺這條約問題多多(會讓他們拿不到錢) 先後實行了道斯案和楊格案做補救 但還是無法阻擋希特勒和極右派的興起
有一派說法是 德國在兩次大戰間的經歷可被視為 日爾曼地區的"第二次三十年戰爭" (第一次就是1618-1648這一場) 某程度而言更適合德國歷史的發展脈絡
另:1970年代德國國內有一波自發的反納粹"獵巫"風潮 隨著達爾文的演化論發表:人類學,優生學等學科也開始萌芽 當然在社會達爾文主義和反猶思維(反猶思維在十九世紀稀鬆平常)影響下 不可避免地走上偏鋒 納粹當然更要大打人種至上論 於是德國很多這方面的學者很認真地投入了這門學科 可是戰後這群為納粹做研究的學者教授並沒有第一時間遭到指控 依然在自己的大學母校教書 依然在學會發表成果論文
直到70年代學運潮燒到德國 年輕的大學生們開始對他們的老師學術背景及成果的來源有了疑問 於是一群教授在納粹時期做的事情就一件件被髒了出來
1.中島陽子-值得效忠的暴坊女王 2.艾莉西亞 佛羅倫斯-真正的「成人」 3.愡流 明日香 蘭格蕾-因為LAS(冷靜肯定) |
Edited by - bloodrose on 09/10/2009 12:12:49 |
134 Posts |
Posted - 09/15/2009 : 16:44:10
感謝海軍之子大賞文。 看完之後感覺當時德國在內憂外患之下亟欲找尋一個新的安身立命之道。只要經濟上還撐的下去、大家還有飯吃,整個情況就不致於一發不可收拾。 只是沒想到大善人山姆叔叔自己也躺平了,這時政治極端就不可逆啦。那些盡是背後暗算的共產左翼與搞不懂的猶太人在宣傳下最後還金剛大合體? 這下以色列人是跳到萊茵河也洗不清了。
這不得不讓小弟反思現在的民主政治,這種體制大概也只要大部分人都吃不飽就會垮台吧。要不是德國先爆,美國在大蕭條持續一段時間後搞不好也 會出現極端政治?
Hong Kong
374 Posts |
Posted - 09/15/2009 : 18:31:19
玩了三屆的羅斯福大概是美國人接受最大限度的強人政治了吧 |
607 Posts |
Posted - 09/15/2009 : 20:39:26
美國從來不缺乏極端團體 問題是美國資源太豐富了 哪怕是雇傭一批人挖坑 雇傭一批人填坑 社會只有20%的產能 也不會達到大部分人都吃不飽的程度
Od lo avdah tikvatenu Hatikvah bat shnot alpayim |
41804 Posts |
Posted - 09/16/2009 : 09:04:58
quote: Originally posted by chaos
這不得不讓小弟反思現在的民主政治,這種體制大概也只要大部分人都吃不飽就會垮台吧。要不是德國先爆,美國在大蕭條持續一段時間後搞不好也 會出現極端政治?
吃不飽的民主政治已經有範例了,中南美那些19世紀到20世紀前半吃飽時代發展出來的民主政體,現在歐洲衰落了他們也吃不飽了,就...... 倒是說到美國的極端政治,小弟想到的是GS美神漫畫版那一段,跑回去宰了希特勒,那麼納粹首腦就會是在華府的甘迺迪......其實頗有可能,只是不知道這一段畫面有沒有在美國流傳?
吉屋出售 台北市基隆路二段套房,近台大及捷運,附近有黃昏市場,生活機能便利. http://www.hbhousing.com.tw/web/A002/index.asp?module=search&file=Detail&No=Z087382%20%20%20&AID=A002 台北縣板橋市大觀路一二樓公寓,接近國小至大學各級學校及公車總站,離捷運及板橋車站不遠. 詳情請洽0931043559田小姐 |
3521 Posts |
Posted - 09/16/2009 : 12:34:05
標題 |