我在另一個網頁上看到了這記錄: Holders of high awards Holders of the Knight's Cross (3, including two unofficial/unconfirmed) Anding, Friedrich 08.05.1945 Leutnant Adjutant Pz.Jag.[Ersatz-]Abt ?GD“ [Adjutant of Walle ; was proposed together with his Kdr and the Kdr-Fahrer Stutzle for the destruction of more than 20 tanks and recon vehicles on 14./15.04.1945 by OB Nordwest via three seperate proposals ; his awarding procedere was unfinished at war's end as well as the ones of Walle and Stutzle but he was awarded the KC based on a DKiG proposal dated 01.05.1945 [!] which was changed into a KC procedere because the DKiG Sachbearbeiter recognized that A. had destroyed 6 tanks with Panzerfaust -> officially awarded : procedere via Oberst Goecke / Keitel / Donitz] 這軍官原本是GD反戰車訓補營副官,1945的四月14/15日擊破了超過20輛戰車與偵察車,原本要獲頒騎士鐵十字勳章,但是來不及頒發 Stutzle, (Johann-)Nepomuk 08.05.1945 Obergefreiter i. d. Pz.Jag.[Ersatz-]Abt ?GD“ [proposal presumably was sent via Fernschreiben, is not existing anymore ; HPA proposal was prepared for signing ; supported by OB Nordwest and Chef HPA/A ; signature of Donitz is lacking ; accepted by OdR in accordance with so-called "Donitz-Erlass"] 一同出擊的另一名上兵 Walle, Gustav 08.05.1945 Major Kdr Pz.Jag.[Ersatz-]Abt ?GD“ [proposal arrived at HPA/A on 02.05.1945 (destruction of 9 tanks with Panzerfaust) ; no hints in the files on a handling or an ordinary procedere resulting in an award ; FRG Ministry of Defense wasn't able to find a confirmation for an award (1963) ; on a KC proposallist of IIa/OB Nordwest W. is crossed out with the remark : "verl." [without date] -> most probable meaning = "verliehen" which is a hint on a possible award ; accepted by OdR in accordance with so-called "Donitz-Erlass" ; award date determined by Fellgiebel] 這軍官就是該反戰訓補營營長,擊破了九輛戰車,但是戰後找不到核對記錄,故是否有獲頒獎章仍不得而知
-------------------- “Patriotism is, fundamentally, the belief that your country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it.” ~George Bernard Shaw
"Are you neutralized?" "No" "Are you neutered?" "NO!" "Then how can you be neutral?"