這讓我想起了中國代表參與國際會議,遇到會議在討論中國最討厭的議題時的反應: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLEB1yc-I_o Democrats criticised after yelling and screaming as Ohio Republican attempts to amend a bill
>>Nearly two-thirds of those polled, 71%, supports that it should be overall easier to vote early in elections. Only 16% of the public felt that early voting should be restricted.
>>According to the Monmouth University Poll, 80% of the public also supports requiring a form of identification before a person can vote. The poll found only 18% in opposition to such policies.
>>Nearly two-thirds of those polled, 71%, supports that it should be overall easier to vote early in elections. Only 16% of the public felt that early voting should be restricted.
>>According to the Monmouth University Poll, 80% of the public also supports requiring a form of identification before a person can vote. The poll found only 18% in opposition to such policies.
GPA只有0.13,這樣在學校裡排名居然還是『中等』........ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPDBzIz2Ugw Student sent back to 9th Grade from 12th Grade 這黑小子曠課上百天,成績爛得要死,可是學校還能讓他升級,結果四年過去他現在不能畢業,必須要從九年級開始重唸,這是Affirmative Actions還是No Child Left Behind? 他媽就只會怪東怪西,怪學校什麼的,還特別強調她要養三個孩子,所以兼了三份工作云云,但是她自己對孩子卻是疏於管教,她孩子第一個學期成績就很慘了,她都完全不知情,不會想要跟孩子要成績單看,影片下面鄉民的留言幾乎是一面倒地批評這個母親。