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311 Posts |
Posted - 02/03/2023 : 20:45:56
俄國的「坦克兩項」從2013年開始就一直沒停過, 而「堅強歐洲坦克挑戰賽」只有舉辦2016、2017、2018這三屆比賽, 請問為何歐洲沒繼續舉辦呢? |
Cayman Islands
17243 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2023 : 17:54:19
quote: Originally posted by puppyoliver
俄國的「坦克兩項」從2013年開始就一直沒停過, 而「堅強歐洲坦克挑戰賽」只有舉辦2016、2017、2018這三屆比賽, 請問為何歐洲沒繼續舉辦呢?
The Strong Europe Tank Challenge is a multinational tank competition organized by the US Army Europe. The competition is held periodically, and its frequency and schedule can vary depending on various factors such as available resources, political considerations, and military priorities.
I do not have information on why there was no Strong Europe Tank Challenge in 2019. It could be due to various reasons such as budget constraints, logistical difficulties, changes in military priorities, or political considerations. I would suggest contacting the US Army Europe or relevant military authorities for more information on the specific reasons behind the absence of the event in 2019.
Strong Europe Tank Challenge其實主要是美軍歐非司令部和德國陸軍合辦. 主要還是美軍主導.
但是,可能的原因是2019年因為川普政府的上台,跟北約的關係不太好. 川普政府可能並不支持Strong Europe Tank Challenge 2019的經費.
但是,原本有要辦Strong Europe Tank Challenge 2020, 而且是改由美軍歐非司令部和丹麥陸軍合辦.從這裡看出, 德國陸軍可能也有舉辦意願(或是經費)的問題. 估計因為COVID-19,Strong Europe Tank Challenge 2020也無法舉行. 接下來幾年的疫情,恐怕也沒機會. Strong Europe Tank Challenge還是有恢復舉辦的機會,只是不知道何時?
https://www.europeafrica.army.mil/ArticleViewPressRelease/Article/2030143/press-release-dates-set-for-next-strong-europe-tank-challenge/ Press Release: Dates set for next Strong Europe Tank Challenge (2019年的新聞發布)
這些秘密話語來自活著的耶穌,由迪迪摩斯•猶大•多馬記錄。 他說:「任何人發現了這些話的意義,將不會嚐到死亡的滋味。」 多馬福音第1節 |
311 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2023 : 20:03:15
quote: Originally posted by cwchang2100
quote: Originally posted by puppyoliver
俄國的「坦克兩項」從2013年開始就一直沒停過, 而「堅強歐洲坦克挑戰賽」只有舉辦2016、2017、2018這三屆比賽, 請問為何歐洲沒繼續舉辦呢?
The Strong Europe Tank Challenge is a multinational tank competition organized by the US Army Europe. The competition is held periodically, and its frequency and schedule can vary depending on various factors such as available resources, political considerations, and military priorities.
I do not have information on why there was no Strong Europe Tank Challenge in 2019. It could be due to various reasons such as budget constraints, logistical difficulties, changes in military priorities, or political considerations. I would suggest contacting the US Army Europe or relevant military authorities for more information on the specific reasons behind the absence of the event in 2019.
請問「ChatGPT」是聊天軟體嗎? 感覺回覆好專業,比LINE的聊天機器人厲害好多。 |
Cayman Islands
17243 Posts |
Posted - 02/12/2023 : 20:13:25
quote: Originally posted by puppyoliver
請問「ChatGPT」是聊天軟體嗎? 感覺回覆好專業,比LINE的聊天機器人厲害好多。
算是AI互動軟體,因為是利用網路的海量搜尋資料訓練的,所以效果驚人,目前超紅! 跟Line或是一般的聊天機器人比起來,根本不在同一個層次.
這些秘密話語來自活著的耶穌,由迪迪摩斯•猶大•多馬記錄。 他說:「任何人發現了這些話的意義,將不會嚐到死亡的滋味。」 多馬福音第1節 |
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