The thing is, be the captain of the aircraft carrier isn't necessary means he knows the daily operational going on on the aircraft carrier, but really depends on the XO that's pure surface fleet officer. Then, there's question of whom going to be the task force admiral, which also has to be a qualified flyer, if following US Navy aircraft carrier task force commanding officer procedure.....
2011.07.12 03:04 am 去年搶盡媒體版面的大陸知名品牌國美電器,再傳出驚人之舉:出手競購英國退役航空母艦「皇家方舟號」!富豪、演藝明星買私人飛機不是新鮮事,但買航空母艦當交通工具可就稀奇了! 有消息指出,國美電器創辦人兼大股東黃光裕,日前出手競購英國退役航空母艦「皇家方舟號」,並計畫將航空母艦改建成世界最大的流動展館,用於休閒旅遊等專案開發,競購結果將於7月中公布。